1. the tendency of a person to hear words backwards, say words with opposite beginnings, or write numbers backwards.
2. the tendency to be generally dyslexic in all forms of language
Linguistic dyslexia is saying "sweat and hotty" instead of "hot and sweaty"; writing 41 instead of when you hear "fourteen"; hearing "tofu noodles" instead of "toaster strudels"; saying "runny babbit" instead of "bunny rabbit"
When a Terror organization is mad at another country/faction/head of state ect... and decides to take it out on the U.S via a terrorist attack.
Come on Haidar lets go protest our new president, nahh i got a better idea lets go bomb the U.S that'l show our president we hate him for sure. Sounds to me like you got Terrorist dyslexia dude.
Similar to a freudian slip. Misreading and/or miswriting words in a sexual way.
I keep writing 'cock' when I mean 'coke', I think I suffer from freudian dyslexia.
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When someone is trying to say a word they know, in their mind, how to pronounce but it comes out wrong.
Tiff: "I'd like a 10 piece wings, nucular."
Laura: " Nuclear!"
Tiff: " Nuclar, Nucular, am I saying it?"
Laura:" NUCLEAR!"
Tiff: "Nuclear!?! I swear I have verbal dyslexia!"
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its when a person reads numbers backward therefore making them suck at math.
teacher: what is 5*5?
teacher: r u sure?
boy: i mean 25.
boy 2:dude i think u have numeric dyslexia
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is when you get confused by some emojis (is not only me right?)
โI get confused by ๐ and ๐ because I have emoji dyslexiaโ
Testicular Dyslexia is when your balls can't read the room right. That's why rape cases are so high. Therefore, do not think with your balls.
Jonanthonan has testicular dyslexia but he keeps saying he doesnt because hes a misogynist.