To create a group situation such as a group chat including your friend and every previous lover of theirs and then leave the group chat so they can fend for themselves.
Worst Case Scenario: Death to a Loved one
Best Case Scenario: Orgy
Yeah, I totally Kamikaze Ejected Brad the other day and he is so pissed!
When you ejaculate and vomit simultaneously.
Dude! I was so drunk in Couer d'Alene last night that I pulled the ole' Northern Idaho double ejection all over Saydee!
A Surprise Eject is the act where your genetically male sex partner and you have made an agreement to warn the giver of oral stimulation, before ejaculating. However, then so encumbered by the pleasure, ejecting around the facial area without a warning.
Friend: ''Don't you warn her first before you glaze her face?''
You: ''Sometimes you can't say the word and then PFFRRT''
Friend: ''You Surprise Ejected her?''
You: ''Is that how you call it?!''
When you get rejected and ejected from the friend zone.
Bro… (9Pedosom)
Yeah? (7Pedson)
I got Rejected Ejected(9Pedosom)