Source Code

Faye Ann

Faye Ann is a cheerful, loving girl usually (brow hair) who is a great friend, she may be shy at first but once you get to know her she is crazy fun to hangout with. Faye Ann gives her love to people she thinks deserves it, but Faye Annโ€™s also get hurt a lot by the peopl they love the most but they forgive when they shouldnโ€™t. They are strong minded and made from steel they donโ€™t let people walk over them and they speak there mind.

Faye Ann- are you okay?
Person- your the only one I can talk to, I love you

by Trueeee_that October 10, 2018

Faye Valentine

Leading risque lady in the futuristic anime "Cowboy Bebob".


Hey! Did you see the new CB episode, Faye Valentine is shit hot.

by Aidenne July 28, 2006

78๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dirty Faye

The act of getting fisted by a blind man with his sleeves over his hands in the back of a car. Then proceeding to squirt in his blind eyes and cure his blindness. When he finally seeโ€™s you he gives you UCAS points, shits himself and then kicks you out the car and drives away in his shit stained, STD riddled golf.

โ€œI finally passed my driving test, canโ€™t wait to give this girl a dirty Fayeโ€

by Olivia Braid November 18, 2021

16๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best version of Faye Valentine cosplay in the galaxy.

Man-Faye is uber hot in those tiny little shorts.

by jessy February 20, 2004

80๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tammy Faye

When a woman of much make-up cries... and their eye makeup runs down the face, making huge raccoon rings around their eyes.

Wish I didn't wear makeup today, after I saw that movie I came out of there with a total Tammy Faye.

by monkiki April 5, 2005

52๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

carah faye

gorgeous, talented singer for the band Shiny Toy Guns

carah faye also has really rad hair

by n00dzzzzz May 13, 2007

84๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Faye Wasted

The most any person can ever be wasted.

there are 4 types of wasted:

Wasted: when you have had too much to drink and you think a kebab is a good idea.

White Girl Wasted: when you have had too much to drink and you have sex with anyone who talks to you.

Lindsay Lohan Wasted: When you use your vagina to break the ice and you are so wasted that you no longer speak your own language.

Faye Wasted: Words can not describe the state of this wasted 5 parts wine, 3 parts spirit and 4 part beer is the key to not remembering who you are, where you are or how to control your bladder.

oh man did you see the state of my man last night ? he was Faye Wasted man ! aint no coming back from that !

by d34n87 September 7, 2015