Source Code

Layton banks

Massive fucking cunt

Oh that’s Layton banks at the pub. Oh he’s a massive cunt

by Hand has January 4, 2022

Layton carslie

A runner slower than anyone named Hudson

Wow he lost to Hudson yep he’s a Layton carslie

by Ladolado August 31, 2022


amazing and allways there for you

Layton is the best guy you'll ever meet once you find one don't let them go ever they are always there for you and give the best advice they may not always know what's happening around them but they will always know you.

by Search_Up_Kasey_Coz_Das_Me May 28, 2022


A really funny boy,mischievous,good looking,every one needs a layton (waggot) in their life x

Layton is mint

by His lass October 12, 2019


The type of kid to fall asleep during tests, he loves to flex, but he's also one of the dumbest kids in your class, despite the amount of flexing, and his occasional stupidity, he's still a good guy under it, but he's been through a lot.

Laytons are the type of people that you want to be friends with, but also the type you don't want to tell what you have, as he'll just come up with something better that he has so he can seem like the coolest.

Laytons are really friendly if you're on their good side, and the Layton I know loves to believe that he is the next Eminem.

Person A: Yo bro! Did you hear that Layton said he was the next Eminem?

Person B: Yeah, Layton's fuckin' trippin!

by aaa a11a April 30, 2022


Mr micro man

Layton is totally a Mr micro man

by kojoko December 5, 2021


Seggzy beast

Look at Layton man so inspirational

by September 8, 2020