Teasing your friend for the way that they hit on someone
see cockblock
Guy 1: So I ran into (___) yesterday and damn she was fine.
Guy 2:"and what did you say?"
Guy 1:"Hello Gorgeous"
Guy 2:"Hello Gorgeous? Wow that's pathetic"
Guy 1"You cock mocking me?"
V. Derived from the term Cock-Block. When a friend or bystander prevents you from making fun of someone.
You: Hey man, do you like fish dicks?
Friend: Just leave that poor kid alone.
You: Thanks a lot you mock-blocker.
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Anyone can drop a normal mock on someone like "you're ugly" or "you're stupid" but it takes a special someone to drop a dirty syb mock involving sybians, butt juice, vag juice and big round black sybian heads.
Any shit talk that involves sybian machines can be classified as a syb mock.
You enjoy sitting your fat ass on that nasty twin headed sybian dcarl WUWU WUWU. Drop that syb mock on your friends and see what they say.
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Mock chicken is when you are going so freaking fast that you can’t even explain it
Woah! You ran so fast You went mock chicken!!!!
A specific, overused and emphasized term shared a prestigious and intense English and AP Seminar teacher to compare a certain individual’s work to that of a superior researcher, source, and/or author.
“If you wanna go to Hardvard or Standford or some topnotch ‘Mock 85’’ Ivy League, your college board video has got to be outstanding... in all categories.”
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When black people wear white face
Look at all this Honkey mocking!
a pyramid-like structure created to make people of Egyptian/Syrian decent feel more at home.
Hey Nemer, I made you a mock pyramid and spread some sand around so you don't miss your house.
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