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It's when you start problems then cry about it when there's retaliation.

Damn, the small dude hit the big guy, and when his ass was handed to him he started crying. You can say he was Palestined.

by HamingBoi October 31, 2023

30๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


When someone claim that your own property was their when in reality it's not.
The way to get illegal possession by using miss-information propaganda

Your land was Palestined.

by TruthMeOn January 17, 2024


When someone claim that your own property was their when in reality it's not.
The way to get illegal possession by using miss-information propaganda

Your land was Palestined.

by TruthMeOn January 17, 2024


When someone butchers you and rapes you and then tells everyone it's actually you did it to yourself and it's your fault.

In a restaurant, someone asked to go to the bathroom and was raped and murdered. Later, Police arrived and gave a ticket to the dead body. The poor guy was palestined

by E3DD January 1, 2024


Claiming that something is yours when everyone knows itโ€™s not

Bro Palestined my girl

by Henrydavid June 3, 2024

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you leave your land/valuable object and someone takes it, and when you come back to get it, the person claims it as theirs.

Person 1: *leaves their valuable object in their room and goes out to do something*
Person 2: *takes it*
Person 1: *goes to get it back from Person 2*
Person 1: Hey Person 2, can I have my valuable object back?
Person 2: What do you mean, "my valuable object"? It's mine!

Person 2: I found it, so it's clearly mine!
Person 1: Mom! Person 2 just Palestined me!

by Bbruh2 January 23, 2024


Raping and killing innocent women and people because they rightfully own something you want, and calling it โ€œfreedomโ€.

Sarah was walking down the street and Mahmoud raped her and killed her because she had a something that belonged to her and he wanted. After he was done with this terrible act he told everyone he didnโ€™t because he wanted โ€œfreedomโ€ Sarah was palestined.

by fuck hamas January 27, 2024