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Nator Performance

The best aftermarket company for the mazdaspeed platform. They make THE best parts for the car (next to medieval of course) and their sole is to be the leading brand in the performance aftermarket for mazdaspeeds. Their group is the baddest of the bad on the internet as well.

"Hey man! Did you install your mod's yet?"
"Yeah. My car just broke the 700hp mark on the dyno after installed these nator performance nylon washers."

by rayraybauder July 9, 2009

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Performance Vehicle

A performance vehicle is any automobile that was built from the factory with speed(performance) in mind. The object of the vehicle is to be quick/fast. Price or where the vehicle was made does not matter only the vehicle's goal is in question.

A performance vehicle is an automobile such as a Ford Mustang GT to a McLaren F1.

Other examples are:

Acura NSX,BMW M5,Toyota Supra,Nissan 300ZX,Mitsubishi 3000GT/GTO,Ford GT,
Dodge Challenger,Chevrolet Corvette.

by _WILHELM_ March 28, 2009

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Performative Anger

Speaking with an angry tone or raised voice but with no genuine feeling of anger behind it, usually for drawing attention or comedic effect.

"Why is Joe so angry?"
"He's not actually angry, that's performative anger."

by S0up_YT October 19, 2022

performing parent

over-acting and/or over-performing the role of a parent in public making certain that everyone can hear their use of parenting skills; perhaps trying to demonstrate that they are the "perfect parent" when in fact they fail miserably at home.

Although Sara was standing directly in front of her 2 year old daughter in the store, she spoke loudly and explained in adult terms why her toddler shouldn't throw the food out of the cart. Sara spoke loudly to make sure that everyone in the market heard how she "disciplined" her child seeking the attention and/or praise of those around her.

Sara is a performing parent.

by michelinelaughs August 12, 2009

Popee The Performer

Popee the Performer is a 17-year-old high school dropout who is a circus performer. He wears a bunny/cat red and white striped costume and has the physical appearance of a white American teenager but is ethnically Japanese. He has a charming assistant named Kedamono, a purple wolf-like creature with a mask on his face. Popee is a violent narcissist who has jealousy issues. Popee does not have any friends or lovers. Popee has a father who is also a circus performer. Popee has a mother but he doesn't know who she is nor does he care to know. Popee has a little sister named Marifa.

You: Have you seen Popee The Performer?
Me: Yes.

You: How are you still sane after watching that?

by RoxyRixx October 12, 2022

Popee the Performer

A demonic Japanese TV show about a performer named Popee who was constructed by the demons herself to wreak havoc among the living. But all in all a pretty good TV show.

Have you seen Popee the Performer.
Yeah and now Iโ€™m blind.

by EpicLLama May 1, 2021

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performance review

A chance for others less capable than yourself to get their own back

I worked my ass off for six months on that project and delivered on time and on budget but in my performance review all my boss could do was critique my soft skills.

by Charlie Benger-Stevenson April 24, 2008

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