slut street a.k.a. high street.
an awesome town in southweseren pennsylavania just outside of two other cool towns Scottdale and Connellsville.
not much really happens here but its a cozy nice little town. if you want to find sluts they live all on high street and low street in mount pleasant pa. lol
mount pleasant pennsylavania
17👍 2👎
A school in bettendorf which is made up of “rednecks” with shit trucks, white girls who think they are better than everyone else, and entitled white kids with slow ass jeeps that their parents bought for them. You can find nic on almost anyone you meet there, and atomic or dunkin on any white girl you see. Some kids in the school have a good family, a big ass house, and somehow still throw their life away and think they are hot shit. PV is filled with entitled, rich, snobby losers.
Don’t ever go to Pleasant Valley HS, you’ll regret it!
School found in Bettendorf, IA that claims every year to be the "best" school in Iowa. Most of that high-quality education they claim to have is funded by the tax dollars of the silver spoon in the ass parents of the already entitled students. Our football is shit because the only thing the kids are willing to hit hard is their vape. Depression and stress have become the sole personality trait of 50% of the girl population here, while the boys love to sit and listen because their snobby ass parents at home won't give them any attention.
Pleasant Valley HS is so diverse and accepting, minus the 100 swastikas written in the bathroom stalls.
having a major coronary while having sex with a perfect 10
Bob had a pleasant heart attack while in bed with Ali Larter
30👍 10👎
A sexual position between two romantically involved individuals. Often assumed in public - in bars, in parks, on subways. To perform the very pleasant conversation, the partners start by facing each other. Then, one says something pleasant, or interesting, or, if it's the male part, funny, to which the other listens. The roles are then reversed at a rate both partners feel comfortable with.
»So, how did the salad tossing go last night?« – »We had a very pleasant conversation!«
17👍 5👎
A small town on the New Jersey shore, popular vacation spot for North Jersey tourists. Also referred to as "Point" by surrounding towns' citizens. Split in two by a canal: there's Point Pleasant Beach and Point Pleasant Boro. "Point Beach" is technically an island, since the canal cut off its connection to the mainland. This side of town boasts the beach, Jenkinson's Boardwalk, a train station, a "classic" downtown area, and some very nice houses. "Boro", as it is locally referred to, features a highway, multiple mini-malls, and the lower income families of Point Pleasant. Also adjacent to Bricktown. Point Pleasant is famous for its winter rental culture, where locals live cheaply in summer bungalows until the actual summer, when quick money is made off of tourists and is stored up to live on throughout the winter. Also known for locals never leaving the town; a rather widespread and endemic underground drug scene; roughneck fishermen; and a large population of artistic people, both musically and visually, who eventually leave the town for California or "The City". Considered the "clean" version of Seaside Heights. Longstanding rivalries in the high schools with neighboring Manasquan. Also known for its high density of 7-11's - five in one town!
The town and its citizens were briefly embarassed by being associated with a failed television show of the same name in 2004.
"Point Pleasant? More like Point Unpleasant! Ha ha! Oh man, I wish I didn't live here."
131👍 69👎
School found in Bettendorf, IA that claims every year to be the "best" school in Iowa. Most of that high-quality education they claim to have is funded by the tax dollars of the silver spoon in the ass parents of the already entitled students. Our football is shit because the only thing the kids are willing to hit hard is their vape. Depression and stress have become the sole personality trait of 50% of the girl population here while the boys love to sit and listen because their snobby ass parents at home won't give them any attention.
Pleasant Valley HS is so diverse and accepting, minus the 100 swastikas written in the bathroom stalls.