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Pod Ruiner

When you invite someone in a Beluga chat and they spam the whole time and be a giant dick.

I invited Jeremy into this pod and all he did was spam pictures of cats the whole time, total Pod Ruiner

by Diabetes477 May 7, 2011

status ruiner

A friend or relative who always manages to make a dumbass comment on your Facebook status and ruin the effect.

Man, Jackie is such a status ruiner. Every time I post a witty status she links a YouTube video that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

by guidinglitedlite March 27, 2014

video ruiner

noun- a person who commits a thumbs-up photo bomb; typically the photo-bomb is overshadowed by a later and more funny event, such as a runaway horse that disappears into the forest, rider's fate unknown but with a 99.99% chance said person is OK. Pronounced /ˈvidēō/ /ˈro͞oinər/

I'm filming a garden party, so please get out of the way video ruiner. You are a video ruiner. Stop being a video ruiner. I wish you could be a better video ruiner.

by Video Ruiner July 20, 2019

Sleepover ruiner

Edel is a sleepover ruins she makes the fun into boring stuff (so sad )

Edel is a sleepover ruiner

by Tea tar August 6, 2019