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anarchy salvation

a new future and uproar of some of the shadiest mother fuckers living in san diego. a local graffiti bombing swooper click in encinitas, california. also known as AS or JPK

we don't slang we don't bang, we just SWOOP. anarchy salvation. thass how we do"

by deebusiness October 19, 2010

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Salvation Snake Oil

Any set of beliefs, particularly extreme Abrahamic faiths (Extreme Christianity, Islam etc), that people buy into as a way of not dealing with their own mortality.

Humans are cognitively vulnerable to believe in such systems, and many so called "religions" take advantage of this. Meaning people end up sacrificing and wasting some or all of their own short time on this earth for a fictional assurance fram an ethereal being they will never meet.

(Knock Knock)
JW Chumps : "Hi, we are Jehovah's Witnesses, would you like to talk about how much God loves you"

Me: "No, I don't need any Salvation Snake Oil"

JW Chumps : "We aren't selling oil sir, we would like to talk about how you can be saved."

Me: "Do you believe in Dinosaurs?"

JW Chumps: ??

Me: "If your god is so benevolent, why is he promising a crap ending for anyone who doesn't belive in your poorly constructed borrowings of other faiths that have existed for thouasands of years before Charlie came up with this gig?"

JW Chumps: ??

Me: "How is it that the chosen place for your leaders is in New York City - when the rest of the Abrahamic faiths have their spiritual centres in and around the other side of the world?"

JW Chumps: ??

Me: "Would you like some Salvation Snake Oil?"

JW Chumps: "Ah thank you sir, have a nice day"

by WTF2011 August 16, 2011

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marked zero salvation

Definition: A gunshot to the head, often the forehead. Were the bullet hole looks like a black zero. Leaving you "marked" for "life". And death becomes your salvation.

"I'm so afraid of making a 12 gauge decision, whether or not to give you a "marked zero salvation", or to give myself glock-jaw with a pink mist ending"

- Art Far Away - Mad As A Hatter (2015)

"Don't worry, they won't talk. The butcher gave them a visit earlier and he gave them a marked zero salvation"

by TeaPartyForHatter October 16, 2015

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King James’ Salvation

Primarily used in an English speaking context, Especially for non-Catholic Christians.

A King James’ Salvation is when you run out of toilet paper and out of sheer desperation, You wipe with torn out pages of a nearby Pocket Bible. This act is typically performed at home or at a friends house

“Hey man, I heard you and Tom had a falling out, what happened?”

“Piece of shit pulled a King James’ Salvation with my moms Bible, Fucking disgusting”

by Spainwater2002 October 18, 2021

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Salvation Army Style

The sexual act involving a violent hand job followed by loose change being thrown at the individual for their services.

My wife and I did it Salvation Army Style last night. First she "rang my bells" then I threw loose change at her.

by jmac1010 December 8, 2016

Wendy salvator

also known as Mrs Salvahore, and wendys fried chicken, she looks like a fricken duck, with a long long nose and she doesn't give two shits about fishy fingers

Kid 1 "Did you see Wendy Salvatore last night?
ya she was probing fish

by whywhywhywendy May 14, 2024

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Salvator Mundi

Salvator Mundi # 77

Thank God for Salvator Mundi, for he cam to heal the world, and glorify God.

by For losers June 29, 2022