Source Code

Terms of Service

the page at the bottom of the screen that(barely) tells you the rules and regulations about urban dictionary

The Terms of Service is the lamest page on urbandictionary

by Can of Worms November 19, 2006

58๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

layman's terms

The use of basic speach, or words/terms that a person will understand.

Teacher: The volume of a container with a gas, when reduced by one half, will double the force exerted by the gas by a factor of two
Student: Uh, I don't understand. Can you give that in layman's terms?
Teacher: When you squeeze a balloon to half it's size, it is harder to squeeze right? This is because the pressure is doubled. Get it?
Student: Uh, Yah!

by Nate314 July 11, 2006

324๐Ÿ‘ 141๐Ÿ‘Ž

two terms

This refers to a person who has served two stints in prison and or has two strikes (Felonies) on their record.

"I have two terms but I swear that I won't quit". (Fetty Wap)

by Jilli Jill February 26, 2016

terms of use

Things people never check or read

Person 1:Did you check the terms of use

Person 2:Nah I read as much of it as congress reads there bills

by Kewldewd May 22, 2014

Deserted Term

A weird unatural word, phrase etc. that you searched on urubandictionary to make sure that you created to make sure it's not a posted word to "create". Say you came up with a word, and you want to upload it onto UD, so you search it to make sure that you are the only one with that word and definition, to be cool.

Dick: hey I came up with a new word.
Charlotte: what is it.
Dick: deserted term, it means from the above!
Charlotte: ok cool lets search it on UD and make it a word.

by BZP4LIFE October 6, 2013

Terms of Service

A long page listing out rules and conditions you must abide by in order to use a service. When seen on the internet, these terms are often ignored, as all the user must do is click the "I Accept" button at the bottom. If you read or attempt to read a page listing Terms of Service on the internet more than once in your life, you should schedule a doctor's appointment soon to test for possible Down Syndrome.

"Ugh, I don't want to read the Terms of Service! They all mean the same thing."

*Clicks "I Accept" button*

by IlikeTurdulz May 16, 2011

27๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sex terms

Every god damn one of Urban Dictionary's definitions.

"I typed in food phrases on Urban Dictionary."
"What did you get?"
"Sex terms. Oh god, I miss old Urban Dictionary."

by munyal13 January 14, 2021

22๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž