a white man, who tries to impress girls to get in their pants
Rhys kearsley is such a white knight, he will try to do anything to get pussy
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A dude who relentlessly supports a whore throughout the entire night just for the sake of getting her into the sack. If other girls or dudes comment on the whore behaving in a whore-like manner, the White Night will defend her even though he knows she is indeed behaving like a whore. The whore then slowly but surely falls for the White Knight due to his undying support and subsequently bangs him. He is therefore her White Knight in shining armour
"Dude, Caroline is diddling herself at the bar. She is such a whore," says a bystander. "No she isn't. My baby is an independent woman and she can do as she pleases," replies the Zach T. "Wow, Zach T, stop trying to be her White Knight"
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Typically someone who finds pleasure in asking gamer girls to send pictures to them becasue they are sad or upset, this type of human usualy resorts to young mexican porn on the weekends. This type of man is usually 6"2 and preys on 15 year old girls online.
Person 1:Why are you such a White Knight?
White Knight:Idk, its just how i roll!
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Someone who stands up for girls on the internet they barely know, hopefully so they can engage in sexually intercourse with them. Usually males. They are douches who can't get none in real life
Internet Forum:
xxsomegirlxx: Hay guys like my pic?? -posts pic-
dude001: No, not really, your sorta ugly
man12: wow, your pic is a myspace angle
lulzftw009: show us another at a differnet angle, PICS NAO!
WHITEKNIGHT!!: Guyys, leave her alone. She's just a girl on the internet, and your harrasing her. (the lecture will probably go for a couple paragraphs) ...so yeah, don't be so desparate.
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A desperate guy on the internet who will do anything to defend women, even if they are in the wrong. Logic and rationality are not his virtues. He hopes that defending women on the internet might somehow increase his chances of getting laid.
Man 1 - She only wants him for his money. She is a gold digger.
Internet white knight - Don't talk about her like that. She is a woman. So what if he wants money from men?
Man 1 - Aren't men and woman equal? Shouldn't she pay her own bills instead of making the man pay?
Internet white knight - (Speechless)
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n. A personality characteristic found in most males that lead them to:
1. rush to the aid of any female they see who appears in any form of distress.
2. Become attracted to said damsel in distress.
3. Follow the dying code of chivalry and generally act like a nice guy.
Also called young man's disease.
"Nice guys finish last?" Tony asked. "So does that make White Knight Syndrome bad?"
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A fairly common condition generally affecting males, White Knight Syndrome encompasses a wide range of behaviour related to "saving a damsel in distress". Almost always found near to or with Attention Whores, men affected by White Knight Syndrome are men who feel the need to protect, provide attention and affection, be viewed as "heroic", boost their ego, and generally feel good about themselves (usually because they have low self-esteem, or a small penis, or both).
Men with White Knight Syndrome are invariably attracted to Attention Whores or Problem Women (a sub-genre of the Attention Whore, the Problem Woman craves male attention and uses her often self-inflicted "problems" to attract the White Knight) because such women can cater to the White Knight's needs and vice versa--very much like the symbiotic relationship of bacteria and fungus in lichen. Men affected with White Knight Syndrome will spend long hours cuddling such women and giving them large amounts of attention and affection, sometimes struggling to hide their erections because the ego-boost feels so great. The male affected with White Knight Syndrome ends up in a position similar to the friend zone, but this does not matter to him--he's being a good guy by offering an Attention Whore more attention.
White Knight's girlfriend: "Shall we go out this evening? I worked hard all month so that we could go to that expensive restaurant we've always wanted to visit!"
White Knight: "Oh no! I'm terribly sorry; I was texting Suzie all last night behind your back and she says that she's pregnant again and her boyfriend raped her and her horrible, selfish father refuses to pay for her clit piercing, and she needs me to come over and hug her! I must go to her and comfort her, poor poor thing!"
White Knight's Girlfriend: "Isn't that girl using you as a snot-wipe on legs?"
White Knight: "No, I'm being there for her! I'm her shoulder to cry on! She needs me! I'm such a great guy!"
White Knight's Girlfriend: "What about me?"
White Knight: "Sadly for you, you're a well-balanced lady who doesn't have any problems and doesn't constantly burden me with your need for attention; you're not a damsel in distress and you can't provide me with the ego-boost I need. Go pay our bills, I'll be back in two days."
White Knight's Girlfriend: "Your white knight syndrome is getting out of hand. You know, I love you even if your penis is small."
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