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Aiden Chew

A kind and nice guy who you should respect.

Aiden Chew is really nice.
I agree >:) I'll see him later.
Do not bully him.

by IGotEyesOnU May 13, 2019

Aiden Ayodele

the coolest ever. He is very attritive very kind and super sexy.

You know Aiden Ayodele yes he is so attractive.

by nbgdropaiden December 3, 2023

Aiden Bestie

my bestie 4eva i love him sm and hes super cool

Omg aiden bestie is so cool!

by Swag master 😎🤏 June 3, 2021

Aiden Effect

When a weird and irrelevant person sets the bar so low that everyone else appears elevated to a higher status.

Aiden effect in action

*Goofy sees hot girl*
Goofy: Hey baby cakes can I have your number?
Hot girl: uhhh no you look 14 and I have a BF
Goofy: *gets sad and leaves*
*Real Nigga enters*
Real Nigga: Yo I just saw that goofy nigga try and spit G hahaha what a liq

Hot girl: haha I know right
Real nigga: Ight well give me your numba hoe ima call you
Hot girl: hahaha oookkk

by YungJayInDaTrap January 25, 2021

aiden kinder

A cool dude who gets the girls but is a bigot and cannot be trusted as he gets carried away with himself

You've lost my trust Aiden Kinder.

by The name definer.com June 8, 2017

Aiden Gelston

The hottest male you will ever talk to, he has a great personality and amazing eyes. The only flaw of him is his Penis size, he has the best millimetre defeater and doesn't know how to use it!

Aiden Gelston gave me the best anal last night considering he has a twig for a cock.

by GigaMan77 August 5, 2024

Aiden kerr

A man who's greatness is 10 times more powerful than gravity

Aiden Kerr is More Powerful Than Gravity

by Jack Earson January 11, 2021