Source Code

alpha female wolf

Alpha Female Wolf is born into her pack where an alpha female is already present. She leaves her pack as a lone Alpha seeking her alpha male, she will meet a lone male wolf. She will teach him if necessary to hunt and provide and together they will both become strong and build a pack, a strong pack!!! Once she finds her Alpha mate she is mated for life!!!

The most famous wolf in the world, was a alpha female wolf. RIP06

by AlphaFemaleWolf75 February 1, 2019

maja aka alpha

you know maja is an alpha because the j in her name is unique and represents leadership. she is a pitcher and first basemen so that’s even more proof she’s alpha. she also has a B nowhere in her name so she could never be b*ta.

maja aka alpha is such an alpha and a leader wow!!

by alphaqueen6969 July 13, 2021

Alpha Gamma Delta

Alpha gams are the true picture of elegance and grace. Naturally beautiful , unparalleled GPA’s, and a level of class that you must be born with. Every guy wants to date them and for good reason. They call always remain top tier because of highly selective nature.

Freshman 1 : I wish I was in alpha gamma delta

Freshman 2: Dont we all ...

by Shift pull crank December 30, 2017

63πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Alpha Q Up

An alternate way for saying "I'll fuck you up".

Alpha sounds like "I'll fu". Q sounds like "ck You" and obviously Up is for "Up".

"Alpha Q" can (and is) also used in other variations as well as by itself.

Idiot 1: Hey man, Alpha Q Up!
Idiot 2: No you won't! I can bench 500 LBS!

by TerminatioN August 27, 2007

44πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

sigma alpha iota

a professional fraternity for women containing the hottest musicians that you will ever find.

" Dude that sigma alpha iota chick is fly...." "Woah dawg... she's a music major..." "say WHAAAT??"

by fried fry April 20, 2010

137πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

Alpha Delta Pi

Alpha Delta Pi began in 1851 at Wesleyan Female College in Macon, Georgia, where six incredible women changed the world. Led by Eugenia Tucker Fitzgerald, our founders formed The Adelphean Society for β€œthe mental, moral, social, and domestic improvement of its members.” The Adelphean Society, later renamed Alpha Delta Pi, was the first secret society for college women. The principles of scholarship, leadership, sisterhood, and service guide over 215,000 women in more than 134 active collegiate chapters and over 150 alumnae associations of Alpha Delta Pi.

Alpha Delta Pi is a national sorority that can be found all over the united states and canada.

by Rkent18 May 14, 2009

809πŸ‘ 331πŸ‘Ž

Alpha Mike Foxtrot

The more PG version of Adios MotherFucker

In the words of Hannibal Smith and Lt. Face: Alpha Mike FOXTROT!!!

by xXNarutoBoy77Xx March 11, 2020

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž