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Win da turd

"Win the third period" with a French accent. A phrase spoken by Vancouver Canucks winger Alex Burrows, who was doing color commentary while rehabbing his shoulder.

β€œAll we β€˜ave to do is win da turd.”

by neilhd March 22, 2011

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Mickey Mouse Win

A Mickey Mouse Win refers to a win that was given to someone in a competition with little to no effort; In other words an undeserved win. The phrase is used most notably when referring to the Mickey Mouse ring or The Lakers during the 2020 season who many claim were given the ring due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, The Term is also heavily used in NASCAR and online games/sports of all genres although use is more heavy in sport/competition related games typically with some type of leaderboard. If a person were to get a Mickey Mouse Win in any event, That Same person will be mocked and people will find a way to add "Mickey" and or "Mouse" to their name . Such examples include "LeMickey and the Flakers" and "Mickey Elliott". People will often associate these mickey hybrid characters with made up stories as another way of mocking them, People also edit the mickey teams faces onto Mickey Mouse Clubhouse music videos.

Jimmie Johnson: *Pushes Chase Elliott across the finish line as an act of good sportsmanship because elliott ran out of fuel*

Spectator 1: That win was mickey as fuck.

Spectator 2: I know right? That's such a Mickey Mouse Win.

Twitter: UNBELIEVABLE. I took my son to go to see a movie and who do I see? Mickey Elliott. He stole the tickets and Disney ring pops we had to go see "LeMickey And The Flakers vs. COVID-19". So I went up to the security of the movie theater to report it and who was it?!? Jimmie johnson?!?! MINNIE JOHNSON WAS IN ON IT AND LEFT WITH MICKEY ELLIOTT. Screw you frauds!

by g0rd0n_freeman August 21, 2021

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Game Winning Kill

The kill that wins the match in an online game. Most well known in the FPS, Modern Warfare 2, which accompanies every one showing a slow motion replay video that everyone must watch. Can consist of lame, average sprays, or simply unbelievable feats of awesomeness.

Dude, that guys game winning kill with a throwing knife was fucking awesome.

by Joshie G. April 23, 2010

Brandon's Fortnite Wins

A contradictory word itself, its meaning being; nill value, and nonexistent

your skill is as existent as Brandon's fortnite wins

by GayXD May 23, 2018

winning the rat race

This is a cynical saying about competition in life, the rats keep winning the rat race. The low and ruthless become most successful.

I'm gonna retire l am tired of the rats winning the rat race.

by I, Wreckerrr May 11, 2021

Uinise [win-say]

A girl who's eyes put a spell on every boy's mind. Who's smile can melt a thousand hearts. Who's beauty is more blinding than the sun, yet it falls into nothingness compared to the beauty of her personality. So much kindness to give, so much love to share. Funny but all so serious. So strong, yet so fragile and sensitive. Like a flower so delicate, but only he who knows how to handle it with care can do its true beauty justice.. its a tongan name

dangg look at UINISE win-say!

by bossladee February 9, 2010

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award winning turd

A turd so incredible that it merits formal recognition.

There is absolutely no doubt that this was an award winning turd!

by Dr Bunnygirl November 19, 2019