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Fuck Boy

A name that describes men, after women who don’t wanna take accountability for their actions and end up getting their feels hurt.

Katie told Wilma that John was a Fuck Boy because he hadn’t called her since he hit it even though she had stressed him out the whole 2 months prior.

by MoHamNoPork August 14, 2018

Fuck boy

A Fuckboy is the type of guy who does shit that generally pisses the population of the earth off all the time. He will also lead girls on just for hookups, says hes really into you but doesn't want to deal with all the "relationship bullshit" just to fuck you. He thinks about himself and only himself all the time but pretends to be really nice. He also does really fucked up shit and then complains about people who do the same old shit as him. once a fuckboy always a fuckboy, because fuck boys ganna be fuckboys

Orignaly created by Boys High

Ruan is such a fuck boy.

by Regualr101 September 30, 2017

Fuck boy

Ben Joel Manson. Usually has messy blond hair and is very slim. Is obsessed with girls and can be very flirtatious and can be a liar. He can also be very annoying.
He's the complete definition of fuck boy.

Oh did you see Ben Manson over there with that girl and her hair tie, he's such a fuck boy.

by Anon 01 September 16, 2015

Fuck Boy

A manipulative asshole. If your name is Landon then you more likely than not are one. Probably use people to get whatever you want.

Landon is such a fuck boy.

by ExtraFriESPLEASE May 29, 2017

Fuck Boy

A fuck boy is the male term for a "hoe", a man who will use you for your looks and body, tempts you into sex, and will break your heart within the first week of the relationship. Fuck boys are all about sex, since it sets their reputation to the people around them, some people find it hot, some people find it wildly disgusting. Fuck boys often dress like emo boys, and if they're not dressed like that, they'll be dressed as a skate boarder boy.

"Look at Adam, he's a gigantic fuck boy, he had played 5 girls within 2 weeks"

by th3v1rg1ng1rl September 3, 2021

Fuck Boy

A.K.A being a Hirbod (verb) - To be a Hirbod/Fuck Boy - the act of being a pagan can be a similar description - the state of being a cunt to a fellow friend or acquaintance by degrading them in a sarcastic tone or manner - or by making fun of them - an act of bullying

"Oi allow it man, stop being a Hirbod, that's bare deep"

"Why you gonna be a fuck boy for?" " WHAT?! don't call me a Hirbod, that's bare deep"

by Nerokidz December 17, 2015

Fuck boy

A boy who thinks he could get any bitch he wants, but in reality, aint shit.

Alex Avila is a fuck boy who fucks anything with a pulse

by badgrlriri June 28, 2016