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69420 Gang

a sex gang that is vibing

Oh fuck it's one of those 69420 gangs SHIT!

by 69420 gang December 15, 2019

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memeulous gang

fucking memeulous gang

a comment written by Helio on a thot's Youtube video and was shown in Memeulous' video

Danielle Cohn's Instagram post: some stupid picture of her
Someone in the comments section: memeulous gang

by poffting December 4, 2018

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alphabet gang

The LGBTQI+ community (referred to as the alphabet gang because they continuously add random letters and numbers to the acronym so it’s easier to say β€˜alphabet’).

Man, I’m telling you, the alphabet gang really be gettin ridiculous lately. Did we really need to add β€œbrown-haired adult plastic chair” as a sexuality?

by SwindlyDiddly May 12, 2023

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boop gang

The act of taking something, or stealing, just to be able to say you did it.

Declan: Ima just boop gang these scooby snacks from safeway for the clout, straight clappin cheeks. I'm finna yam out.

by jayslefttit February 12, 2018

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Gucci gang

A gang of Gucci handbags

I heard that the Gucci gang are having a showdown with the saint laurents over some turf .

by Meetmeintheallyoutback September 17, 2018

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kunt and the gang

A minor internet star from the 2000s and 2010s. He is a dark comedy singer who had 2 songs in the charts. Kunt mainly sings about topics lads would discuss at the pub alongside his puppet partner Little Kunt (who had his own album).

My Bumrape Place and Use My Arsehole as a Cunt are songs by Kunt and the Gang.

by massivetraps25 August 6, 2020

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Fleshlight gang is the name of the fan base for the cum gargling rapper LIL PINK and the most decated member of this cult is Tommy Wengerd.

Join the fleshlight gang today mother fucker or i'm goin eat yo ass.

by LIL PINK March 31, 2019

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