Source Code

Shoot snoot

shoot snoot /SHUTE-snute/, verb
1. To shoot nasal mucus
2. To shave by firing a gun
3. To cut a sunflower down the middle with a machete
4. To turn dark gray.

1. When I shoot snoot, it is always vitreous.
2. I had to shoot snoot this morning.

by Sodium Thallium E! September 30, 2007

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Skeet shoot

A sex position where you (as the boy) shoot cum at her until you hit her.

Do you want to go skeet shoot in my room

by Aws745 January 13, 2013

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Window Shooting

When your about to ejaculate and someone walks in the room so you have to go to the window and shoot out of the window to hide the fact your masterbating!

Dude last night i was just about to cum when Jon came into my room i ended up Window Shooting!

by DeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeJ October 2, 2009

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Finger Shoot

To use your fingers to please someone sexually.

Becki asked me to finger shoot her after work.

by westy83uk July 20, 2009

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shooting the rabbit

to take a piss

where did dave go, hes shooting the rabbit

by vajaina July 7, 2009

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Don't Shoot

What someone says when JASH is about to shoot. Usally when someone says don't shoot it's because a piece is pointed at their head.

What people say when they see JASH, 50 cent, or any other rapper.

Don't shoot is associated with the song "Warning Shots"

Bank Clerk " Don't shoot, Don't shoot!"
JASH" Don't tell me not to shoot!"

by you name can't be blank June 19, 2009

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shooting star

When a shorty has a tattoo of a star on the tip of his penis and he cums. The cum shoots out of the star.

Damnnnnn, did u just see the shooting star he unloaded on her face?

by pig animal July 18, 2009

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