National Scam children and blow up there house day is a day on october 1st where you get to legally scam kids and blow up there house with a 100000000000000000 gigabyte file
man: hey kid want free Robux
kid: yes!
*downloads 1000000 gigabyte file*
kid: wait why is my computer smoki
man: happy National Scam children and blow up there house day
You try to dominate and curate reality to shield your kids and then wonder why kids are PROLONGING THEIR ADOLESCENCE, JORDAN! YOU SEE HOW IT'S YOUR FAULT!
Retard "We NeEd To PrOtEcT oUr ChIlDrEn! BuT tHe ChIlDrEn!"
Jordan (Also a retard) "WhY aRe AlL oF tHe ChIlDrEn PrOlOnGiNg ThEiR aDoLeScEnCe!? WhAt CoUlD iT pOsSiBlY bE!?"
Hym "Yeah, no. Probably not the thing (both) ARE and HAVE BEEN doing.... Couldn't possibly be that... The falsifying of reality to male yourself feel better about the fact that YOU CHOSE TO SUBJECTED YOUR KIDS TO THE CREATURE."
When someone else baby birds semen into another person's mouth.
"children of the damn" is so gross! She spit it in his mouth!
The best kids in human history and development because even the Holy Bible says that the chinese children helped the people build the tower of Babel and helped Zeus calculate the distance and the angle to throw lightnings at specific places to hit greek people and destroy their things. Nowadays, chinese children say they can revive Schrödinger's cat in case it's dead, they can say what the last digit of Pi is and also know the true end of The Neverending Story.
-Dude, do you know about those chinese children everyone talk about? They just made a rocket and collected undiscovered information about possible life in Saturn!
-Uhh, Zach, are you okay? There's no chinese kid that can do that. Please stop consuming that marijuana.
Noun or Adj
An idea of an Army designed completely by Children. This includes weapon, Armored vehicle, and other designs. This can also include fighting tactics. Some Children's armies also create micro nations, governed and controlled by children. Most children in the Children's Army are from the ages of 7-16 years of age.
The Children's Army began in Asia, but expanded to the Americas. There name? The Children's Army of Taiwan.