A bag for small everyday items that are easily misplaced.
I have all these small things for my fuckin eh ditty bag.
It's an eight ball mixed with half cocaine and half crushed meth
Bro, wtf is up with Jimmy's mouth? Why is it sideways? Bruh...he's been doing line after line out of his kamikaze bag! He's on a suicide mission!
Use of cellophane as a compartment to snort hopes, dreams, and drugs.
Pull that snoot bag of those marbs.
An airline passenger moving in the opposite direction of deplaning passengers to retrieve baggage from an overhead space.
Upon deplaning in Chicago, Bob said to his friend Heather, “Why don’t the bag salmon just wait for the airplane to clear out a bit before going after their bags toward the rear?”
bag of fuck one who is a shitbag and a fucking piece of shit much more vulgar and offensive than calling someone a shitbag when calling someone a shitbag is not enough or just want do
my neighbor got pissed off and almost ran my cat over what a stupid bag of fuck
When you take a massive shit and some corn sticks to the back of your balls.
Damn, I ate a shit load of corn; I hope I don't get kernel bag.
The Glory Bag is a cross between a Glory hole and a duffel bag making a portable Glory hole.
To be Glory Bagged is to unwillingly be placed into a glory bag and passed around.
He's bought a Glory bag for the boys, and it's full.
I got Glory Bagged the other day, there must have been at least 6 of them.