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by sex February 28, 2023

1👍 1👎


Something I will never have.

Me: I've never had sex before, and never will.

by justabean#1339 April 12, 2021


Not real.

It doesn't exist. Sex is not real.

by razor420 December 29, 2022


It’s on everyone’s mind and can’t get off it’s sometimes on peoples computers.

Guy A: bro what ya thinking about

Guy B: oh just sex
Guy A: same bro

by Hahwnwisnehwkowjdbdj July 19, 2021


When a man puts his cock into a girls wet pussy.

Girl= Annie

Alex and Annie were with their friends at the mall. At one point the friend group decided to split up. Alex and Annie walked down the hallways of the mall. Then Alex pushed Annie into the "Employees only" section. "What are you doing?" Annie whisper-screamed. He didn't answer and continued pushing her into the janitor's closet. He shut the door and then quickly turned the girl around, he then took off her shirt without her consent. They have had sex before but never at the mall! Alex turned her over and took off her red lace bra. When the cold air hit her boobs they twitched a little. Alex then started sucking on the girl's boobs and chest. He bit her boobs causing moans out of her. "Daddy~" The girl screamed. He then pulled off the girls' shorts while undoing his pants. He then quickly took off the girl's red lace thong. He pushed her onto the floor and started to lick around her wet pussy. "enough" she moaned. That made Alex hornier he stood up and shoved his 3-inch wide cock into her mouth. he started rubbing her clit making her moan. The moans coming out of the girl made his dick vibrate. He cummed into the girl's mouth she swallowed. He then turned the girl on her back. Without any warning, she shoved his massive cock into the girl's vagina. "Eugh," The boy then quickly took out his phone and filmed him slamming into her. They heard the door opening behind them Alex didn't care. The door opened to reveal a young janitor. He snickered when he saw the two and took a photo.

by Hot_dawg123 December 13, 2021


90% of Urban Dictionary's definitions

I'm getting sick and tired of these sex definitions

by Dr. Stupid the original November 27, 2018


👉🏽👌🏽 If u dont understand youre too young

I had sex with this awesome girl

by BeeOWisdom January 26, 2021