hes one of the people of all time
"The name's Mr. Mental, Mr. Mental Genius. In case you couldn't already tell from the name, I'm male. This is all you need to know. Now begone."
The raw mental state created from repeated exposure to unfavorable conditions, as often happens when you dislike your job.
Also, the unfavorable condition itself that causes such a state.
I'm so glad I quit my job today, it's been leaving me with a severe mental rash.
I hate my job so much. It's nothing but a mental rash
When you or someone else insults someone in their head
Can be used while also saying something nice outloud
Timmy: Hey buddy I got the iphone 6+
Tommy: (thinking) why don't you shut the fuck up u faggot I'm bout to slap the tiny dick off you
Tommy: (saying) oh that's cool Timmy
Timmy: (thinking) the fuck did u just mental insult me u retarded meatball
When you've been reading a little bit too much about liminal horror and you decide to get high, in your mind you may find yourself visiting the mental backrooms. They take a different form for each individual, but common sightings are empty places from one's childhood or recently viewed liminal spaces. Your mind is still usable at this time, but the only visualizations you see are of these backrooms. Don't worry about who you find inside. The effects last until you aren't high anymore.
I just took a tablet and all I could think of was an abandoned office, I think I found my mental backrooms! There's someone in here with me.
When your teammate goes afk after his 2nd death on Annie.
Yasuo players dont have diamond mental, they're just 7 year olds.
Freind 1: our Lee Sin went afk after his failed first gank.
Freind 2: he must have a diamond mental then.
The Brady Mentality
"A Positive Productive Leadership Lifestyle. A Belief That Teamwork Truly Makes The Dream Work. A Focus On Helping Those Willing To Help Themselves. It's Peace Of Mind In Aligned Goals."
He always wins! It's The Brady Mentality.
Immallex mentality (IM) is usually used to describe People with the need to attack People onilne and then be completly silent if they meet them in real life. Another phrase for IM is "Keyboard warrior". Immallex mentality however is also used to describe manipulative people known for backstabing others to get what they want. Immallex mentality has became a phrase because off a YouTuber known as Immallex, he was known to be very Destructive and unfilltred online and he was also know for acusing a friend of his (Slazo) of sexual harrasment. The diference between a keyboard warrior and IM is that People with IM are more Destructive critical and attempt to ruin People lives over petty internet drama, keyboard warriors although aggresive tend to be a bit more laid back then People with IM
Person 1:John attempted to dox some guy in the internet and he is trying to swat him
Person 2:never liked that fucker, always knew he was petty and Destructive, Immallex mentality at its finest