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Potato Quality

When some one says "Dude was this recorded with a potato?" they mean that the quality of the film is shitty.

People often use this term in gaming as-well.

Dude! was this fucking youtube video recorded and rendered with sony potato 14?
Stop having potato quality equipment!

Jesus Christ Dan! Get a better PC You noob! I'll rek You 1V1 IRL M8

Stop playing with your potato pc to get a advantage with war thunders fucked up graphics settings man!

by OrgasmicLarry March 27, 2015

44๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Potato Salad

a salad made with potatoes. PRETTY TASTY!

Potatoes with a salad, who woulda thought of that??

Guy 1: Hey man i made potato salad!
Guy 2: SICK BRO!

by 1 Cool Guy February 27, 2020

17๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

filmed with a potato

Very bad quality. Usually said when the viewer sees something 32-bit or lower. (i guess)

Person 1: Hey, man! Watch this video!
*video plays*
Person 2: That looks like it was filmed with a potato.

by Dat256Guy June 30, 2015

21๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Potato Masher

The potato masher was/is a British wording for the German Army's Stielgranate 24. It was used by every the entire Wehrmacht.

Due to it's shape and appearance it was called potatomasher by the British forces. The video game Call of Duty 2 features this fact. Interestingly the Soviet Red Army's soldiers are calling the stick grenade potato masher also.

Nowadays the German Modell 24 Stielgranate is one of the most easily recognized WWII small arms.
In the USA the Stielgranate is collected like stamps by some collecters. Especially the US soldiers returning home took one or more home with them as a "Souvenir out of the Reich".

Call of Duty 2 example: "Potato masher! Run!"

by The_Emperor July 13, 2009

61๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


To pleasure yourself or others using potatos.

This word was first used on wheel of fortune when a contestant guessed the mystery phrase to be "self-potatos" when the correct answer was in fact "self portrait".

This word was also used on a youtube episode of RayWilliamJohnson to make fun of the contestant

My girlfriend always gives me self-potatos.

I'm gonna go home and give myself some self-potatoes tonight.

by L33TNINJ4Gurl January 8, 2010

212๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž

The potato theory

Either everything is a potato or nothing is a potato. This theory is very similar to the sex toy theory. Which says that either everything is a sex toy or nothing is a sex toy. This theory is similar to the atom theory. Which says that either everything is atom or nothing is atom.

Person: ey bro u a potato?!
Person 2: maybe bro, maybe ....
Person: shut up mr. the potato theory

by Eliasisnotgay October 18, 2020

Potato sisters

Girls that are just friends (NOT DATING) that like to cuddle.

Are you guys dating? Asks Steve to Jan and Laurie. No, says Laurie, we're just friends who cuddle. Yeah! Says Jan, we're potato sisters!

by Gayshitdawg February 16, 2019