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White Lightning

1. Very high proof Moonshine. Borders on being 200 proof; it's pure grain alcohol and is illegal. White Lightning is the subject of a hit George Jones song.

2. White Lightning is also a term for LSD.

1. "Well I asked my old pappy why he called his brew,
White lightning 'stead of mountain dew,
I took a little sip and right away I knew,
As my eyes bugged out and my face turned blue!
Lightnin' started flashin' and thunder started crashin'
Shhhoooh . . . white lightning!" -George Jones

2. Suzy was tripping on White Lighting.

by OneBadAsp October 21, 2006

294๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž

white dragon

Post coitus, a man ejaculates into their partner's mouth and then proceeds to tickle their partner to cause them to laugh forcing the ejaculate through their nasal cavities and shoot out of their nose, thus creating white whiskers resembling that of a dragon's.

"I gave my girlfriend a White Dragon and she said it burned her nostrils for a week..."

by .:special k:. July 8, 2003

2442๐Ÿ‘ 873๐Ÿ‘Ž

White Album

The Beatles' best album!

Guy: Hey, do you like the White Album?
Girl: Of course.

by Zack August 6, 2004

84๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

white fence

A gang originated in Los Angeles in 1929. It stand today as the oldest gang ever created. Although the name the "white fence", it consists of mainly hispanics with only few whites.

yo man I was looking for a bus stop in east LA but the White Fence came and jacked all my stuff

by snowblind27 June 3, 2006

135๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

Arlington Whites

A slang term for the northwest suburb of Chicago, Arlington Heights. It is called this due to the fact that virtually everyone that lives their is white.

" This place smells and their are minorities everywhere. When are we going to get back to clean, productive, crime free Arlington Whites?"

by tommmmm4544m May 15, 2009

59๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

White Unicorn

1. a mythical creature a that only exists in fairy tales and porn.
2. A squirter
3. A female who has the ability to spray a ton of liquid out of her vagina and it is not urine.
4. Sometimes will preface telling you about her special ability by asking if you like dogs.

1. Last night I took the white unicorn home and all my dreams were fulfilled.
2. Once she asked me if I like dogs, I knew she was a white unicorn.

by krapperson November 27, 2010

36๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

White Lion

a freakin awesome hair metal band! their classic lineup featured: vocals- Mike Tramp, guitar- the god known as Vito Bratta, bass- James LoMenzo, drums- Greg D'Angelo.

very underrated and obscure in todays modern world. people generally know them (if they know them at all) for When the Children Cry- which i think is kind of a lame song but it has a nice solo.

now Wait is the real deal!! the solo is almost entirely taping- and tapping melodically not just "hey look at me im tapping im the best guitarist in the world but in reality im just a tool!" no!! check out a youtube video of the solo!

goddam Vito Bratta is an insane fucking guitarist he's right up there with EVH and Yngwie Malmsteen!!

best songs by White Lion: Wait, Little Fighter, Tell Me, Radar Love, Lonely Nights, Hungry

by shadesgordon February 2, 2011

36๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž