Tuesday and Wednesday is considered the weekend for many people who work in Las Vegas, as they typically work through the actual weekend serving out-of-towners.
Guy 1: bro why did you send me Snapchats of you chugging liquor at 2am on a Tuesday?
Guy 2: because it's my Vegas Weekend! I'm off today and Tomorrow!
The random weekends where its no ones birthday to celebrate so we get drunk to this!Bri's birthday was 1 weekend and kys adn michelles and syd where in months so are excuse to get drunk was Maukahuka
Its maukakhuka weekend, lets get drunk!
Roll on the weekend and remember the closer to forty the more naughty sorted
Weekend at Donny's is the modern remake of Weekend at Bernie's but real life instead. This film stars a businessman who is involved in a major ploy to give away top government secrets, but instead he gets his place ransacked by some FBI agents. Everybody in his party is too dumb to see the obvious, but he hires a team of stooges to carry him to pretend like everything is fine.
This movie, Weekend at Donny's, has it all: debauchery, embezzlement, and an 80s vibe that could only be replicated on a Floridian golf course.
At the scene where the FBI raids his home, Donny utters his most famous lines when he realizes he's about to do serious time in the slammer: "I didn't see anything. I was looking at my watch. I'm blind!"
When you're tipped off by an informant that your weekend at Donny's won't go quite as planned, you book the next flight to Moscow and have a weekend at Vlady's instead.