(Aka Angelo Martinez, YOB 1994, Child preditor of Las Vegas) A man once found in your alley, smoking a vape with deformed teeth. But when given pitty and a little bit of care, this below average male transforms into a house roadent, addored by many and pitted by alot. Benieth the regualar Twitch streams of therealkreh and nonchalant demeanor and friendly comradery hides an unknown fact. Much like a shapeshifter. It may once again transform into a more dangerious being if left unoticed. He can become your regular friend, a mutual friend, or just the occational fellow you see at your game and card shops. Seemingly normal, with an unfortunate past of homelessness and struggle. A mother who didnt care, a foster system the failed, and a wrong time wrong place problem. In reality this man hides as a preditor pulling at all the heart strings you don't want to know arent true. Beath all that pittiful normalness hides the real preditor, Armando Martinez. A man of just 20 at the time, molesting a 14 year old girl, then being found guilty by the court and ordered probation and jail, but due to the reality of being nothing but a small weak man he ran. 6 years later He still preaches a fake story, but some have already found his true identity and his habits of grooming young children through role play online and if given the opportunity in life. As we know internet preditors still exist, but now they run under aliases and target the unsuspecting and naive.
Angel Winters is the child preditor Armando Martinez.
The stuff hot girls wear to hide the fact they gain weight over the holidays and through out the winter.
Becky has a lovely turtle neck on. It’s just winter camo the only reason she is wearing that is to hide the 15 pounds she gained at thanksgiving .
according to my mom, Winter Break is tons of random math questions, learning a new language, and chores every day
Winter Break is not meant for you to lounge around and do nothing, it is a vacation, which means you must do every chore I do and complete 10 pages of this random math textbook I bought from Costco
slang for ecosexuals having sex with the snow
hey I'm going skiing this weekend wanna hop on project winter
The Winter-Games Effect is a phenomenon when someone is stuck on a puzzle that cannot be solved within a 24 time span. This effect is increased when a group of people are incapable of finding a solution, despite receiving cryptic clues and and an abundance of teasing from the creator of the puzzle.
The Winter-Games Effect destroys the mental state of the individuals attempting to solve the puzzle.
Indigo one is giving me the Winter-Games effect, I've been trying to solve it for 2 days now and i can't seem to find the answer..
A fictional character portrayed by Sarah Paulson in the second season of American Horror Story, Asylum. Winters is known as Sarah's best character in the whole eight seasons she's been in.
I think that Lana Winters beat every other character of Sarah in American Horror Story.
Lana Winters deserved better!