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Double Double

The act of taking a dump, not flushing, and then taking another dump on top of it.

Geoff didn’t want to wake up the house by flushing the toilet so he left double double in the toilet.

by BigPabloX August 20, 2022

Double double

This is where you shit and vomit at the same time

did you see that girl last night she had a double double then past out

by bdbd vdjndkdhhdvd March 17, 2018

Double Double

When a woman farts, but rather than going up the back, it goes forward into the vag where she then has to push that fart out.

Him: Were you leaning back in a chair when you farted? I can taste it in your snatch.

Her: *blushes from embarrassment* Sorry, it was a double double.

by Mrmugs1980 April 20, 2023

double branding

Double branding is when Izzy Perry and some other sluts (including Phoebe Densombe) and Mia Cronin kick boys in the nuts for wearing different type of brands at the same time except Phoebe Densombe she is just a gold digger who makes up shit and wants presents all the time

"Your double branding nuts or a slap"


by The savage boy January 3, 2018


You've Scored With A Woman and Now you've gone for a second round because you didn't get enough, it was that good.

To get my Accuracy right sexually, I had to Double-Tap That Ass. It will enhance my skills and I get to double up on encounters.

by ComingCorrect May 5, 2021

double tap

To fire aimed fast rounds to torso center mass. Frequently followed by a head shot to the head.

The agent shot the terrorist with a double tap and a head shot.

by English Cocker March 8, 2015

Double tap

The art that generally occurs at the end of intercourse, where the man ejaculates into the partner's eye, and the other in quick succession.
Also known as: Double-tapping facial.

If she doesn't shut up, I'll double tap her sister.

by Oilycarrot February 10, 2018