When something is high in fat, it's half the fat of fat.
No margarine for me, please! It's half the fat of fat!
John: Ay that bitch ass has a lot of nigga fat
Nigga fat person : Nigga you white
Lift the fat up Bert and I can guarantee that you will find her last boyfriend living off the sweat line
See that lass at the bar ? Aye ! Well I bet you a tenner that if you Lift The Fat up you will find her last boyfriends living off the sweat lines .
When you are fat and wear Gap clothes 'cause Gap is marketing to the fatties.
She is stylin' in her Gap Fat.
A big stinky band from Pennsylvania. They rub their big cheesy hands all over instruments, and spread a message of love and protected sex to young, likeminded individuals.
Fat Hands is going to fuck this shit up.