Refers to farting when you pee.
Guy1: Jesus! Who just cut the cheese?
Guy2: I did! I'm taking a piss! I always fart when I piss!
Guy1: I sometimes do too! It's called a cheese whiz!
Guy1: Yours stinks worse then mine! I gettin the fuck outa here!
A Cheese Whiz is when a person with a penis puts it in their partner’s asshole but when he cums he slowly pulls out and spreads his Cheese Whiz all over her back in a circle repeatedly.
Hey babe, wanna do the Cheese Whiz? Not again you got it all over my feet last time
When you cum in a bowl and refrigerate it then hours later put it on a salad
Dude, my new favorite dressing is New Jersey Blue Cheese
This person is the God of Cheese. They are the God of all Cheeses.
You are not The God of Cheese.
"how much cheese is on an icebreaker" was said by nixlekk on 10/19/22 while trying to repeat what her brother asked her.
"how much cheese on an icebreaker" 3.1415926
When it's really long and stringy
Kheira gave him that cheese pizza
It’s a code used for Child P**n used on YouTube so YT doesn’t demonetise the channel that used the actual word.
YouTuber: “YouTuber has been exposed for using Child p- *ahem* I mean Cheese Pizza!”