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type heated

To be angry, mad, upset

Yo I just got these fresh white ups yesterday and they already dirty!! I'm type heated!!

by Monie L March 25, 2006

3๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

feeling the heat

When some has plastic wrap over their face and then has somebody take a dump on their face.

Doug likes to feel the heat .

Feeling the heat is A doo doo on the face

by HHITIGER April 6, 2017

3๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


To describe a situation that is outrageous.

To describe a person or a thing that is the bomb.

Often used with a Southern drawl.

"Dang girl, that dress is just APE-IN-HEAT.

"Straight-A's in Algebra don't make you APE-IN-HEAT, Floyd."

"I'm APE-IN-HEAT with enough mad chedder to par-tay all night, sukkaz.'

by Scotty S. September 5, 2006

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Lay the heat

Similar to the Cleavland Steamer. The act of laying a fat shit on a bitches chest.

One time I was fucking this bitch and she was like.
You're done already?
I didn't say anything, I just layed the heat.
And walked away laughing!

by Griz April 20, 2004

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Heat Wave

The wave of heat that hits your face when you open the dishwasher.

Guy 1: ''I got hit by a major heat wave last night doing the dishes!''

Guy 2: "I got hit with one this morning."

by aus10rill July 11, 2012

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Packing Heat

When an individual is infected with an STD.

You better be careful and wrap it up because that chick is packing heat.

by LuluBleu September 7, 2017

4๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

packin heat

to take a dick up the ass


kaia: what is packing heat?
cory: are you serious?
cory: OMg lol
kaia: yes, what does it mean?
cory: to take a dick up the ass
kaia: really? ooh lo

by coryp January 26, 2005

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