Rhyming slang for BRB.
Okay, that's it y'all, I've had enough, BaRBie, I'm outta here.
A person who is rude and ignorant, and seems fake like being made of plastic.
They can also be very dumb, considering they are plastic.
They also probably make you angry and upset and mad and every bad emotion.
(They also probably have terrible roasting skills, and they get horrible roasts from google)
Ugh, that girl is such a barbie!!
A new movie which has had alot of hype for some reason.
Ffs now there is a Barbie Dreamhouse in Scotland dafaq. All the clothes in Asda are Barbie, including the men's section. On Friday, a mate of mine talked about the movie then 2 seconds later I get a notification from another mate and sure enough he started droning on about Barbie too. This trend is scaring me because girls are gonna become unattractive by the end of 2023 since they're all gonna become plastic.
A "Barbie" can denote either the iconic toy doll manufactured by Mattel or be associated with the virtual realm of the Roblox game "Da Hood." Within the context of Roblox, the term "Barbie" encompasses a diverse range of avatars, including models, Kens, model Kens, and standard dressing Barbies. This spectrum of avatars may sometimes exhibit toxic behaviors, demonstrating tendencies towards fat-phobia, transphobia, racism, homophobia, and other similar sentiments. These individuals are inclined to employ various in-game weaponry such as flamethrowers (a weapon within the Roblox game "Da Hood"), tactical shotguns, shotguns, RPGs, and double-barrels. Typically, this spectrum can be observed engaging in activities such as raiding (which involves repetitively eliminating players in a Roblox Da Hood server for amusement), engaging in one-on-one combat with other "DaHoodians," or engaging in the act of shooting multiple individuals into the air within the confines of Da Hood (a practice colloquially referred to as "airing").
Should you possess additional contributions to enhance the accuracy of this definition, I kindly request that you communicate with .4taehyun on Discord through direct messaging.
random dahoodian try hard: lol that’s a barbie we should random it
random dahoodian try hard 2: lolll ok
pew pew pew
both random dahoodian tryhards : fuck we got aired whaf now
barbie:* stomps * LOLL AIRED
A doll that has like 10 sisters and a boyfriend named Ken. Barbie acts like a bimbo, though the amount of jobs she had would require years and years of schooling. She has many friends, including Teresa, who is even more of a bimbo, Midge, who acts like a stereotypical teenager from the 60s, and Raquel who secretly hates everybody but Ken and herself. Barbie's house has a dolphin aquarium, two elevators, a robotic slave named Closet, and so many rooms she needs a map of her house.
Barbie: Hi I am Barbie and my boyfriend puts so much gel in his hair that it turned into plastic.
A doll that has like 10 sisters and a boyfriend named Ken. Barbie acts like a bimbo, though the amount of jobs she had would require years and years of schooling. She has many friends, including Teresa, who is even more of a bimbo, Midge, who acts like a stereotypical teenager from the 60s, and Raquel who secretly hates everybody but Ken and herself. Barbie's house has a dolphin aquarium, two elevators, a robotic slave named Closet, and so many rooms she needs a map of her house.
Barbie: Hi I am Barbie and my boyfriend puts so much gel in his hair that it turned into plastic.