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Responsibility Cup

The act of having a alcoholic beverage holder that is camouflage in public like water bottles or Gatorade bottles with mixed drinks. Not including red/blue party cups.

We're having a party at the park, make sure you bring your responsibility cup so that the fuzz won't be suspicious of the alcohol in our Gatorade!

by SoEasilySwayed September 22, 2015


When you stick a water bottle or other thing you drink out of in a boot and use it as an extra cup

Dammit LeRoy you don went and knocked over my Boot-cup with my Mountain Der

by MountainPeoplesofVirginia December 17, 2017

Foam Cup

A simple foam cup used to drink your favorite liquor or other unmentionable drink. Usually 2 cups are used, one inside the other, for maximum status. Weezy is most notorious for using the foam cup to indulge in syrup.

Guy 1: "Ay yo man I need somuthin' to put my purple in"

Guy 2: Grab a foam cup my n*gga, dats da only way to drink dat purple!"

by jhardz January 25, 2014

Mayor's Cup

Trophy given to winner of the Saints- Montville football game.

montvile choked!

Summary of 2008
montville scores in 2nd quarter 6-0
montville scores in 3rd quarter 12-0
saints score in 3rd quarter 12-7
saints score with 38 seconds left in 4th 14-12

1500 students storm the field
arguably one of the biggest upsets of the decade

Got Mayor's Cup?

by qq saints pp May 15, 2009

sip cup

a variation of flip cup but played with very little beer, often frowned upon in social settings,

its called flip cup not sip cup pussy fill that shit up

by hollaatyaboyyadig August 23, 2010

Dead Cupped

(verb) an office item slated for termination due to careless usage or abandonment by an employee.

that sweater has been dead cupped_

by tehtaz September 18, 2018

What's In that cup?

Phrase, Used In Beer pong when a shot is taken and the ball should clearly go in but spins out, or the cup falls. Generally this is because of a low amount of beer put into the cup.

(*Perfect shot taken but spins out*)

Shooter: "What's In That Cup?"

by Toweliethetowel July 9, 2010