Casper was ill for a week, and he said that he took the biggest Splooky Dooky ever
Dog Dookie Day takes place every March 1st! The holiday originated from 2 girls running down a hill on March 1st. They quickly jump after noticing a big poopie on the hill.. dogs. They realized that this would make a great holiday! so now, happy dog dookie day ! <3
“Hey we should have off of school it’s a holiday!”
“oh really ? what holiday?”
“dog dookie day duh”
A "tough guy" who fails.
Nice fucking shooting, dookie nukem.
When you have to poop and your on a boat so you go in the water to drop the kids off in the pool.
Marcus couldn’t hold it anymore and jumped off the boat to Aqua dookie
The act of filling the toilet with a pillow of TP, so that anyone nearby can not hear as your shit makes a slam dunk into the toilet.
“If you don’t want people to know you’re shitting, make a dookie pillow before you squat”
A woman that has a lot of poops near her but hole.
Lala has a fat ass dookie butt.