Source Code

The Tap Rule

The one prevailing law during a gangbang that creates order from disorder. After a reasonable period of time has passed, the gentleman who's "on deck" may tap the shoulder of the gentleman currently "at bat," and the latter gentleman must step aside and let the next guy have his turn.

This rule also works for drinking at a water fountain.

The Tap Rule was popularized during one particular scene (I believe it was No Holes Barred 4) where a certain anonymous man repeatedly ignored the aforementioned shoulder tap and was sternly reminded by one the men standing by to, "Respect the Tap Rule."

Rather than let the normally enjoyable experience turn to violent anarchy, the man relented and allowed the next gentleman to put his hoohoodilly in the female participant's cha-cha or whoopsidaisy, thereby preventing possible bloodshed.

by nutman December 15, 2005

19๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rule 53

Women who are obnoxiously attracted to you have a penis or STD.

Garth: Man see that girl over there eyeing me...shes rubbing her nipple.

Mark: Rule 53 dude.

Garth: shit

by Alixfoxlolz October 5, 2009

53๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rule 7106

Guys are Guys

Girls are Guys

and Children are Federal Agents

Roger: Yesterday on a forum this girl told me I was really cool! Right after I let her borrow my social security number. She needed it for something...

Jim: Rule 7106......and you're a dumb ass

by Robert N. Weave July 2, 2010

25๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

beach rules

A commonly accepted law which dictates certain interactions in costal areas of recreation. The rules favor the winner of physical conflicts between two parties and usually end in the superior party recieving an object of great significance.

TL,DR: Screw you Orlando Bloom, I kick your ass I take your girl.

Beach Rules Examples
ex) Party 1 has an object of significance (attractive females)

Party 2 challenges Part 1 and wins

Party 2 has the oppourtunity of taking the attractive female and other objects of importance.

by The Flugas March 9, 2009

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Rule 30

The rule stating that there are no girls on the internet.

*Girl posts picture.*
Not real! Rule 30!

by awesome9 November 4, 2011

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Rule 82

The invocation of any ideology or its principles, such as feminism, will attract trolls who validate the necessity of said ideology.

CommenterA. -insert name here- is a sexist, racist, homophobe, and I find that offensive.

CommenterB. OMFG, you are a fat, ugly feminazi, STFU.

Commenter A. Rule 82.

by Dasylupe July 23, 2008

59๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rule 32

The 32nd rule of the internet:
Pics or it didn't happen.

John: I saw a guy on the street juggling huge rocks!
Joe: Rule 32
John: Shit! I don't have pictures!

by connorp04 September 1, 2018

39๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž