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New Jersey

A tremendously beautiful part of the northeast, that was ruined because the land was worth more as suburban sprawl from NYC than it was as farmland. Its residents think is the greatest place in the world, largely because the only people who still live there are the people who have never traveled anywhere but in the tri-state or down south. Anyone who has made it anywhere else makes damn sure they never come back. They specifically made the tolls outgoing and not incoming for this reason, because they knew nobody would ever pay to come here, and wanted to discourage anybody left from leaving. Because life is sad and pathetic here, largely due to the lack of good tacos and art, people are willing to risk theirs and others just to beat you by five minutes getting home, or better yet to the traffic jam ahead. Unfortunately most of them have no basic understanding of traffic flow, so they spend a lot of time slamming on their brakes and getting cock blocked in the slow lane. New Jersey-ans don't pump their own gas, because they're so retarded from having the largest number of superfund sites that they couldn't figure it out. And the bagels and pizza, while delicious, don't even begin to make up for the sheer amount of strip malls assaulting every town.

" Where ya from?"

"New Jersey"

"Oh yeah? I've never been there"

"...........You ain't missing much"

by Got the Hell Out October 5, 2012

12πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

new jersey

jersey is a place where the livings eassyy..its a wealthy state and clean but it has bad areas.. ppl who make fun of jerseyy and the way it smells or whatever its either uve never been here.. or youve only been right outside of new york..where of course its not gonna be great cause all the factories are there..assholess... i would have to say that some/part of new jersey is "ghetto" haha.. up north bye the city is gangs drugs ppl getting killed.. but most of jersey is fucking amaziing..its basicly ruled b y the teenagers..around here your grades dont usually matter.. you loose your viriginity in middle school...start using a bong before your 12.. and thats the way most of us like it ..tehres part of jersey thats for rich smart people ..but down here.. its hot all the time..you wake upp when u wanna .. skate around with ur frends go to the beach and party at night on the boardwalk.. FUCKING CALIFORNIANS are saying all this shit about jersey... well im sure californina is great but seriosuly.. u say u have nice beaches... so do we... u say you have pretty girls... trust me so do we..there all beautiful... u say were white trash..well some of us are.. and its good that way haha.. our state is filled with beaches..boardwalks .. skateparks.. drugs.. crime.. money.. fucking action. ..rock n roll... 60s music we live easy and own your state..thats the way we like it..anyway all your gay trends .. alot of them start here with our little middle school girls.. btw nj is known for its great band scene..its full of underground local bands for kids who wanna mosh take lsd and party all night... but if ur getto or whatever... stay up north were u can join a gang and get pregnant at 11.. its cool we dont mind..most of us are fun loving hippies anyway..or down to earth rockkers who think u should go fuck urself if u diss us........ anyone agree?


im from and in new jersey and its better then where you live..faggots

by suck my cock and call me josaphene July 24, 2006

53πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž

new jersey

The New Joysee government is known for being incredibly corrupt. This has been a trend ever since Satan was elected as governor of the state in 1917 when he claimed that his opponent, Jesus, had once been issued the death penalty due to a recorded criminal record.

Today, the members of the New Joysee State Senate eat at least 5 children a day, and the Govenor generally eats at least 7, though one day he once ate 24 in one sitting, fulfilling a dare in a childish attempt to impress his wife.

"In all honesty, the government is run by the Mafia," reported an actual Jersey resident quote. Unfortunately the resident and the reporter went "missing" shortly thereafter.

New Joysee was the 41st state in the United States of America. The state slogan was "The Armpit of America!", now "The Fabulous Armpit State!". As of 10/01/07 the capitol is New Joysee City.

Created when the Old Joysee was cast beneath the sea by the god Poseidon, the City-State of New Joysee is a scientifically formulated mixture of cow cheese, old fashioned blue-collar values, and fungally festooned ferret felt, best enjoyed while enjoying romance under a full moon listening to muskrat love. In some mythologies, New Joysee is the land of Paradise, the Garden of Alden, even. However, such stories are generally believed only by hopelessly psychotic homeless people who wander the streets of Intercourse, Pennsylvania.

Note: Only fucking New Yorkers say New Joysee. New Jersey is a lot cleaner than other states because all of our trash is in Atlantic City, Trenton, Newark, Jersey City, and Camden where the gates of hell are located. In order to live in New Jersey One must be one of the folowing: Italian, Sicilian, Jewish, Irish, German, or Catholic, and Indians may live in central Jersey only. If you meet none of these standards, then you are to be wacked. Another little-known fact is that all people from New Jersey know where Jimmy Hoffa is, who killed Kennedy, where to get a good meal at three in the morning, and where to get drugs. New Jersey is divided into the north and the south. The North is the land of polution and crime and the south is farms, trees, the shore, and a dumping spot for bodies. All people in New Jersey live in fear of three things: the mafia, the Jersey Devil, and car insurance. All New Jersey residents would also like to close down Olive Garden because they cannot make gravy for crap. South Jersey people also know how Mexicans fit twenty people into the front cab of a truck, because they have done it with them. New Jersey residents also have been to every business shown on the Sopranos. The only way New Jersey residents are able to survive the taxes is through their Mafia connections, placing a tax burden on the medagons who should get the fuck out of New Jersey. Another little- known fact is that in Vineland (pronounced vine-lin) black people are some of the best members of the "clan". In order to become a resident of any shore town you need to "qatch the tram car, please". It is important also to mispronounce certain words, such as "woulder", the biggest debate in history. In "SJ" the Avenue is what it is all about. You also are required to live withen one half-hour of a mall, within 2 minutes of a Wawa, and within 500 yards of 20 Dunkin' Donuts locations.

According to Weird Al Yankovic, New Joysee sucks.

As of 1991, performing a left turn in an automobile at any given moment in New Joysee is prohibited, punishable by eighteen consecutive life sentences, being sent back in time 2 weeks by way of the Turnpike, and a make-over involving really, really big hair. The cars in New Joysee protested this law, and Christine Whitman, the local demon, jacked up car insurance rates in revenge. This is why auto insurance in New Joysee is so high.

Amongst the things to do in New Joysee:

Engage in self-loathing and general misanthropy
Sit in traffic
Curse your fellow man
Curse your government
Curse yourself
Go to to see some shitty emo band
Pay tolls
Make a left turn using a jug-handle
Say the eighteen consecutive life sentences out loud and thus be freed (along with two Hail Marys and a Rama Ding Ding)
Circles in the road... that magically turn into triangles... which amazingly are harder to navigate than the circle.

New Joysee has a rich culture in the arts, including but not limited to strip clubs inhabited by middle aged strippers and men in trucker hats, and has been the birthplace of such hit motion picture masterpieces such as "Jersey Girl" and "Gigli".

Places in New Joysee include
Joysee City
Los Chiyorkphigo
Geritolopolis, New Joysee
The Sunken Ruins of Old Joysee
South Jersey (not related)
The New Joysee Turnpike... a.k.a. "The Road from HELL!"
Edison, New Joysee
Moonachie, New Joysee
Your Mom
Newark, New Joysee
Kansas, New Joysee
Montvale, New Joysee
North Caldwell, which gets into endless sissy fights with the town of Your Mom.
The College of New Joysee
The Gates of Hell
Nick Sereda's house (The palace of dead cats).

New Joysee lost all of its sports teams to the non-existent New York. Thusly, the only sports team you will find in New Joysee is the New Joysee Turnpikers.

The New Joysee Turnpikers play right in the middle of exit 159 and 159b, right where that awful stench keeps happ'nin.

New Joysee is home to several species of tree.

New Joysee is also home to many musicians and people who pretend to be musicians, such as Bruce Springsteen, who despite all his riches still writes songs, and the tireless pedophile rights group and advocate for man-boy love and large hair, Bon Jovi. Les Claypool isn't from NJ but my mom thinks he is.

Bruce Willis, long rumored to possibly be some kind of actor, also hails from Hoboken, New Jersey, known for his roles in countless motion pictures where he expertly and tirelessly plays the same anti-hero bad-ass character over and over again and refuses to shave more than once a week.

The wild Indians of New Joysee populate many of the native conveniance stores and low-budget condos of joysee suberbs.

Um, don't forget Meryl Streep.

Other people include:
Amy Seymour
Gerard Way,the well known Mikey Jackson impersonater.

The following list of people have embarrassed the state of New Joysee beyond repair. The are no longer allowed to cross the border and come home for any reason.

Martha Stewart
Frank Sinatra
James McGreevy
Bruce Bedspring
Joe Piscopo
Kevin Spacey
Jack Nicholson
Dionne Warwick
Jerry Lewis
Whitney Houston
Judy Blume
The Menendez Brothers
Taking Back Sunday
Nathan Lane
(Okay, I'm kidding about the Menendez Brothers.)

Roads in New Joysee
Route 206, also known as the road that is always backed up is a popular favorite. Come and sit in traffic and marvel at how congested the road is!
Route 80, the road that goes all the way to California. Always backed up in the direction you are going in only. The other side is magically free of traffic.
Route 287 is another popular road. However, this road goes nowhere and does little of interest, so ignore it, please. Route 95 is a road that defies all logic in New Joysee. Notice the mile numbers. Notice how they randomly go up and down. Notice how if you are on I-95 North, somehow you end up on I-295 south and if you are on I-95 South you end up on I-295 North? If it isn't clear by now, I-95 in New Joysee was planned out by Hitler. Also in on the Route 295 Conspiracy is Route 130, which randomly joins with Route 295 in the southern area to try to have a four-way orgy with Route 40 and the New Joysee Turnpike at the Delaware Memorial Bridge.
Route 23 goes into New York. Literally, the only highway with nothing on it. Let's just avoid route 23.
Route 22 must be seen to be believed. It is actually a drive-thru megamall and boasts the highest daily accident rate of any road in the country. Also, a good road on which to hotbox while driving to Melody, Pennsylvania to buy relatively cheap cartons of cigarettes... or in the either direction towards... Route 1-9 and the ensuing Pulaski skyway, the central vein of the armpit, deep within the 'Joisey Smell' zone proper. This will bring you quickly within sight of the signs for the Holland Tunnel, where you will sit in traffic for exactly long enough to miss whatever it was for which you wanted to enter New York/escape Joisey. It's generally a good idea to bring along some food, water, and a container suitable for the deposit and storage of bodily waste, when one is daring enough to try this route.
Route 666 goes through the Pinebarrens. An area which if lost you could go for days without encountering a single sign of human life, drive past the gates of hell, and be killed by the Jersey Devil.
Route 40 is known for constantly being in construction when it never really needed it in the first place. Why they felt the need to make it wider will forever be a mystery. The constant construction is attributed to the workers ripping up the roads and then being wacked before they are able to complete the job.

"Wait a tick. They have a NEW Jersey now?"

"Joysee girls ain't trash... trash gets picked up!"

"A really lovely state, very convenient, to the south of Hell."

by Phayte January 2, 2007

125πŸ‘ 162πŸ‘Ž

Jersey Guy

A true Jersey Guy, is NOT a guido, or a transplant from newark. He does not show up at the beach in sneakers, jean shorts, a beater or has side burns, and doesn't show up to the bars/club at night wearing tight shirts and over gelled hair. A True Jersey Guy, loves the beach, skips home room because the swells are awesome that morning, has a sweet, charming, and laid back disposition. He can party hard, but take on the responsiblities of life when it calls for it. He is simple and loves the simplicity of his better half, a True Jersey Girl.

"jersey guys best friends are his board, his beer, and his buds"

by true jersey girl November 2, 2008

26πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Jersey Shore

a show with a cast of retarded phrat boys and girls who make italians ashamed to be italian

Jersey Shore: Pauly D., Mike"the situation", Snooki, Vinny and others

by Dr.Insano April 20, 2011

34πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

Central Jersey

An fictional area of North Jersey, that North Jerseyans don’t want to take credit for being part of their region

β€œMr. Crumb says Trenton is in Central Jersey because he doesn’t like that town”

by Victor Crumb February 4, 2022

11πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Dirty Jersey

A mixed drink, best enjoyed at house parties. Fill the largest cup possible with at least a splash of every liquor in the house. Add beer to taste. As the night continues, continue to top it off with other people's leftover drinks. It will become more and more disgusting by the end of the night, and you'll get freakishly drunk in the process. Ideally consumed in Jersey, but anywhere will do. You win the prize if you don't vomit.

"I made a Dirty Jersey at Sarah's birthday last night and feel like I got hit with a train full of dogshit. I think there were 5 different kinds of whiskey in it by the end

by MrEngrish November 7, 2014

12πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž