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chief brown water

what you call yourself when you have liquid poo.

Call me chief brown water because I just pissed out my ass in your bathroom.

by Sir Moist July 11, 2008

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Commander in chiefing a cig

When President Barack Obama lights up a cigarette.

President Obama is totally commander in chiefing a cig right now.

by Oliver Ralph March 15, 2010

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Chief Head Officer

A woman (or more rarely a man) who finds him or herself near the top of the corporate ladder for no other reason than aptitude for performing and willingness to perform sexual favors.

Damn, that girl got the history department award, and is somehow president of the club the history teacher sponsors? Sheโ€™ll make a fine Chief Head Officer someday.

by justlikemydearpapa July 28, 2021

Chief Bird Flu

The reason why you are all alive. Chief Bird Flu is chief of the Bird Flu Society, which will shit on your face if you commit heresy. All hail Chief Bird Flu.

Chief Bird Flu owns you.

by lolcrackforever December 19, 2014

The Chief Wiggum Diet

A lifestyle comprised primarily of donuts and alcohol, partaken in by those of an obese nature, not unlike the character Chief Wiggum from the popular TV series The Simpsons.

Hey girl, you pretty fat. You on The Chief Wiggum Diet?

by TheChadiestChad December 19, 2020

Chief Sits to Piss

A phrase used to describe a person who is acting in a cowardly manner.

Chief Sits to Piss refuses to take part in the band reunion because she is afraid she forgets how to play the recorder.

by Llamawebster January 16, 2022

Mr. Chief Justice

A bald, senile man who enjoys casual sex with poodles

Mr. Chief Justice is making love to those poodles, oh god

by Bubbabobobbrain January 26, 2023