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Where did you get your gender?

People use this term to refer to someone who owns their body and look powerful but at the same time they aren’t part of certain gender standards or don’t look like a certain gender at all. If a person uses this term it means they are gender envious of your looks and how your gender is figured out.

Example: Oh my god! You gorgeous, ugh, where did you get your gender?!?

by thatrainyrain February 15, 2022

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Bitch ass motherfucker where you goin'?

What you use when you call up a bitch ass motherfucker

User1: "Hey bitch ass motherfucker where you goin'?"
User2: "Ok"

by Fallen-Oak November 25, 2020


Susie from a game named DELTARUNE asking his friend kris WHERE THE FUCK THEY ARE.

Kris: *awkward silence*

by poiuqwr February 10, 2023

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Put your balls where your mouth is

Similar to the expression "put your money where your mouth is". Can be said when calling someone's bluff. Can be said to taunt an opponent in competition or question one's bravery.

Friend 1: I'm gonna play this video game on the hardest difficulty. I mean how hard could it be?
Friend 2: No way bro. I did that it was terribly hard. If you are so brave then put your balls where your mouth is.
Friend 1: Eww!!! No way dude!!!

by Black-Phoenix777 May 24, 2021

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Where do cows come from mommy?

This question is a famous question asked by little boys and girls. When asked this question, play it safe and answer, "The bull cow takes his giant dick and shoves it in the girls cows fat pussy until he cums all over inside. Let nature takes it course, and after 9 months, if the bull didn't where protection like the girl said to, they have an mistake to deal with."

"Where do cows come from mommy?" said little Angelina.
"How the fuck would I know?! Now go do your fucking homework bitch." said mommy.

by Where the frogs February 25, 2017

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Where do you want to eat?

When your girlfriend tells you she's hungry, but won't tell you anywhere specific that she wants to go (or possibly doesn't have any idea herself).

Girl: I'm hungry.
Guy: Ok, where do you want to eat?
Girl: I'm good with anything.
Guy: Pick somewhere. Anywhere.
Girl: I don't know.
Guy: I hate you.

by minion1 January 11, 2015

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2 where ya cum, 1 in the bum

version of the shocker

i gave my chick 2 in where ya cum, 1 in the bum

by Ryan Stuffick May 16, 2005

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