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Power Pirate

An individual who hijacks electricity or internet access.

Tristan: Camila just came in here and took my internet cable while I was trying to watch "Hey Arnold" online.

Marco: What a power pirate!

by unabsichtlich December 21, 2009

Pirate Daddy

A name given to a boy by a girl, usually because he is the dominating male figure in her life who takes care of her. In contrast to a sugar daddy, he is frugal and often finds "treasures" for a bargain. He is good-looking and a little reckless, but very charming and loads of fun.

Let's play a game pirate daddy.

by piratedaddy January 30, 2022

pirate face

Strange facial contortions intended to look tough.

Pirate face is contagious. It may include such symptoms as a sneering upper lip, raised eyebrow, sour grapes mouth, or constipation eyes.

The rapper Pitbull has a bad case of pirate face.

by cathexis July 24, 2011

pirate vote

voting for yourself, especially when you know you won't win. From the Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

All of the girls on homecoming court did a pirate vote, even though Stacy was the obvious favorite.

by Libsta September 29, 2007

Norwegian Pirate

The act of using someone else’s hand to jerk off.

Wrapping their hand around your penis and then moving their hand back and forth.

Mike: “Did you fuck Lisa last night?”

Tim: “No she was too tired, so I had to settle for a Norwegian Pirate.”

by FRMNS100s September 27, 2020

sperm pirate

A woman who is so eager to get pregnant that she takes advantage of a man in order to get to his sperm.

Example#1: I met this really hot 35-year-old women at a party last night. I thought we really had a connection, but it turned out she was just a sperm pirate.

Example#2: Ever since we agreed to have a baby, my wife has turned into a total sperm pirate.

by Cynthia H. August 16, 2007

culture pirate

Someone who copies the fashion, hairstyles, music, language or unique ethnic elements from another group in order to make money. Also cultural piracy. It differs from cultural appropriation because it is done specifically to make money not just to look cool. cultural appropriation, cultural vulture, black culture, fashion, hip hop, rap music, Hollywood, thief, pirate, piracy, steal, cultural piracy

My friend Jake is a total culture pirate, he takes the latest fashion from hip hop and brags about how he came up with the idea.

by joecoolthefool June 9, 2017