You place your finger up the woman's vagina and your thumb up her arse hole then flick. Drives the bitches wild.
Whilst eating her out I took it to the next level and gave her a Brixton Flick.
when a smoker is compelled to flick their cigarette after every hit
person a: let your ash get a little gray before flicking your cigarette
person b: i can't, i have compulsive flicking disorder
When a man gets down and kinky and repeatedly flicks the woman's pussy, while his hand is inside, until ejaculation, then proceeds to make a dietary shake then eat it, ( I heard its good with a man as well...)
The man had a freaky flickin' with his wife.
A Horror Film that is so scary you crap your knickers or shit your pants
Watched a really nasty Horror film last week it was proper scary and nasty .... a real ' Brown Knicker Flick ' of a movie
intimate pictures with one’s partner or someone of interest in these pictures the people are intamitely posing and or having sexual relations (kissing, arching, etc.)
We should take some mood flicks while we’re fucking.
We should take a kissing mood flick
Mar done bent Keke over to take a mood flick
The opposite to flicking a man's genitalia, flap flicking occurs when you flick the female genitalia with your fingers.
"My woman flicked me in the balls so I gave her a flap flick on her cunt!"
When a woman overreacts and complains about everything
I can't deal with all the nipple flicking after Hillary lost the election