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Utah Happy Meal

The act of defecating in a toolbox. Usually as a form of revenge or to cause a problem.

My friend and I snuck into a construction zone and did an Utah Happy Meal in a workers toolbox.

by Utahs_Ronald_McDonald September 19, 2023

2👍 1👎


A foodstuff (usually a sweet, salty, oily or fatty snack) which unexpectedly spoils one's appetite. After consumption, the eater usually cannot start or finish the remainder of their regular meal.

I thought I'd just have a bag of buttered popcorn to take the edge off before dinner, but that's stuff's a real meal-breaker!

by niftimusmaximus September 15, 2010

Meal breaker

An unwanted ingredient in a dish that makes the entire thing inedible.

I can't order that, it's got coriander. You know that's a meal breaker for me.

Does this have any type of nut in it? Because that's an instant meal breaker.

by Asaf March 22, 2018

skunk meal

When someone's ass is being eaten and then they fart into the eaters mouth

Girl: Oh my God! That was disgusting!
Guy: What?

Girl: What do you mean what?! You farted!

Guy: Yeah, I gave you a skunk meal...

by Pitter Patter April 14, 2016

man meal

A type of man that is "yummy" to look at.

that guy right there is a man meal;mmmm

by Kasey V January 5, 2008

Fauxth Meal

After you ejaculate in a woman's vagina and you lovingly perform cunnilingus.

I gotta get that fauxth meal after I smash, nahmean.

by MyWifeClaire October 31, 2014

Migos Meal

The migos meal is whatever you want it to be as long as it tastes yummy and you rock with it. Delicious food that doesn't miss (just like the migos).

Luke: Bro what should we get for dinner?
Brett: Lets get the migos meal!
Luke: Facts that shit slaps FTB

by mistaflames1996 January 6, 2022