when you have four dicks in you and it feels good
3 dicks in your ass 1 in the pussy
A splinter that is unfortunately obtained in a stripper's anus whilst sliding down a wooden stripper pole during a performance in an eco-friendly strip club.
Kristal's performance was sadly cut short when she received an anal schplinter on her first trip down the bamboo stripper pole.
when your shit is so bad it feels like a demon is being summoned from your ass
Person 1: Holy shit! Are you okay? You were in the bathroom for 30 minutes!
Person 2: I don’t know. I just experienced an anal summoning.
A slimy discharge that comes out of the anus after anal sex
Bernice had to go change her underwear because if was full of anal mayonnaise.
When a person has Anal sex on the 21st of every month.
When you have an Anal solstice, its the best sex ever but, you can only do it once a month.
The act of using both of your hands to forcefully insert a weasel you bought off a black man into your anal canal where it will live inside you for the next 3.14 weeks until it shredds out of your urethra using its sharp teeth.
Colin: "Where's Jack?"
Luke: " Jack got an anal weasel"
When regular sex is out of the question with your work wife, classmate, or friend. A "platonic anal" hint or suggestion never hurts... well it doesn't hurt the person giving the anal.
MARCO: "Hey Erin, I wouldn't want to ruin our work relationship with classic vaginal sex or an unwanted pregnancy. Howabout we go all Christian Republican in this bitch and do a little platonic anal." ERIN: "Makes sense. Let's do this! Although I must warn you, I had Chipotle for lunch."