Source Code

Bieber Fever

Recipe for Bieber Fever
1. Get a 10 of teenage boys to cum onto a kitten
2. Have someone's mother fart on it
3. You then shave the kitten's back
4. Have each of the teenagers shove trimmings into their anus for a week

5. Remove the trimmings and place into a bowl
6. A random person is picked (by rolling a dice or picking sticks), who then has to cut off his foreskin and then eat everything

Someone: How come you were at the hospital last week?
You: Came down with Bieber Fever.
Someone: Nasty...

by JBiebszer November 12, 2011

13๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Yellow fever


A white man's preference or fetish for Asian women.
'yellow" refers to the supposed skin colour of Asians/

He has yellow fever so bad, he moved to China jungle fever

by Darey9 June 17, 2013

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Bieber Fever

Being extremely over-obsessed 16 year old who hasn't hit puberty yet, to the point where you have posters, notebooks, shirts and other things with his face on it. You need to realize that he has no talent, you just think he's 'hot'.

Uhhh everything you own has that Beaver kid on it.

I hate to say this, but I think you have Bieber Fever xP

by saddlseatlover March 6, 2011

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Disco Fever

What ungroomed ladies and gentleman have going on in their pants. Pubic 'fro. It is an outdated practice that people look back on with some embarrasment that they ever conducted themselves in such a fashion. The only people that enjoy Disco Fever are people that have never experienced a smoother style, or people that can't let go of the hairy, disgusting past.

So, I undressed her and it was like, Boom!! Welcome to the 70's! Disco fever going on in Gem's pants!

by MagickDio September 14, 2010

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taco fever

when a black or white person likes a mexican

my best friends sisters cousin has taco fever

by tpzy August 31, 2006

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bone fever

having a desire to go to the boneyard; being horny; driven by emotions to desire sexual acts.

It is Saturday night... I'm off to the bars to find a girl with bone fever.

I know you have been with this girl for what, 4 months, all well and good, but does she have the fever? The fever del bone?

by ahahnn October 9, 2003

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To have an attraction to , or love for, or a strong desire towards a 40+ Latina "cougar".

Inspired by Gov Mark Sanford of South Carolina, a conservative holy roller, who cheated on his wife with a 40+ Argentinian cougar

Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina has a bad case of PUMA FEVER, since he is willing to risk his career, marriage, and credibility, for the love and desire he has for his 40+ Argentinian mistress.

I get a case of PUMA FEVER every time I see Selma Hayek or Myrka Dellanos.

by TJinSD July 13, 2009

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