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japan flag

The act of staining a white sheet while on your period.

'Jennifer totally made a japan flag last night!'

by katty18 June 7, 2014

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japan flag

a "japan flag" is the stain created on white or light coloured fabric, often on bed-sheets or underwear, when a total bottom has been railed bareback up the ass by a footlong and bleeds from their butt profusely

"That dude fucked me so hard last night that I woke up and my bed looked like a Japan Flag!"

"I had cheeky bum sex in the janitor's closet with the Quarterback, and he want in raw and rough, so now my ass is bleeding and my underwear have a total Japan Flag situation going on"

by n1ck_sP3ncerr March 23, 2016

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rebel flag

A weapon, mainly used by the UCLA, NAACP, and the Northern liberal media. A convinient label slapped on the ass of every white southerner for mass stereotyping. Today it is waved in the North to stir up more anger and hate than it ever stood for in the South. For Southerners it is a chain binding them to the chair of everlasting repentance and sorrow for a war that no one alive today served in.

Man #1: "I think Jim Bob is a racist prick."

Man #2: "Why do you think that?"

Man #1: "Well I heard he's from Arkansas. I bet he has a rebel flag hanging in his front yard and a white hooded robe in his closet. I bet he watches NASCAR and PRO WRESTLING to!"

Man #2: "Yes, I suppose you're right."

by What'sinaname? March 21, 2007

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ass flags

when you take a shit and toilet paper gets stuck in your asscrack and you pull your pants up and the toilet paper sticks out your ass and flaps in the wind

my jason, you have nice ass flags today.

by avalez99 October 19, 2011

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Flag. NOW!

when someone says something stupid, and when you don't have a wtf flag handy, you can ask someone to give one to you. Then proceed as follows:

*waves wtf flag*

phool: Yo dudes; insert stupid thing rulez!
dude: Flag. NOW!
dude02: here you go *hands dude a wtf flag*
dude: *waves wtf flag

by Big D March 20, 2005

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purple flag

It means to be gay or homesexual

Half the people on myspace are purple flags

by Sally Franklin September 23, 2006

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british flag

The flag of a once great and powerful nation, but is now a nation if whining self righteous pussy's.

Why was that guy such a dick.
Look at his backpack the british flag is on it
It might as well as I'm a pussy

by merica man June 21, 2014

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