When everyone doesnt know how to react or what to talk about so they just spam pog emotes
Something connagh will never get
Im so glad connagh isn't here to have epic pog with us, i love pogging
Playing two video games simultaneously
I can’t do the dishes right now I’m pogging.
A poop that makes you say "POGCHAMP". Poop must be at least 8 inches in length.
Dude I just took a massive pog log, check it out! I took a picture!
A unattractive female but with a half decent body
That girl I pulled last night was a bit of a dig pog
When you get a high ship with somebody and the discord sever spams married POG
Yoooo a 97 percent ship “Married POG”
What glizzys shove up their arse which they then get crushed and it is taken out and covered in semen.