To stress someone out or cut someone down. To infringe on someone’s piece of mind.
Dude… don’t fray my slay with that crappy attitude.
slizzy slay means being a slutty slay queen.
“Chaycey your a slizzy slay queen”
“Thanks Shandles your even more of a slizzy slay queen” “laycie thinks she’s a slizzy slay queen too literally”
slizzy slay queens
“Chayce you’re a slizzy slay queen”
“Thanks Laycie you slizzy slay”
Someone who slays so hard that they had to be made in a lab. Not everyone can be a slay bot, think of an insta baddie that is a girl's girl.
OMG, she set me up with Drake and gave me her lipliner, she is such a slay bot.
Big Slay is something Noah is noy
Noah is not Big Slay but Brady and Lauren are