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ham and cheesed

To be overly inebriated or drunk. Might be used in place of the word hammered or smashed.

I drank so much, I'm so ham and cheesed right now!

by Brody Denis May 5, 2007

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ham Wallet

a ham wallet is a slag word for a womens vagina. it is called a ham wallet because the vagina looks very much like the contents of a ham sandwhich

your mams mitt looks like a ham wallet

by Darren Jason Pearce November 4, 2008

48๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

ham sandwhich

A womens vagina, box, fuck hole, stink tube...whateva you want to call it. Either whole wheat or white bread...the ham stays the same color.

White on both sides pink in the middle.
Dark on both sides pink in the middle.

by J Dank June 2, 2005

53๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ham Wallet

Slang term for vagina

Last night I put my meat-rocket into her ham wallet

by B to the ill July 28, 2008

89๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

Juicing a Ham

There are two definitions:
1. v. Getting the ugly fat friend drunk off her ass so she won't cock block any potential hook-ups with her hot friends. This is usually with the intent that she'll lose her inhibitions and suddenly feel the urge to "just dance" while leaving her friends alone.

Sometimes the skinny friends instigate this themselves so it won't hurt their game or their friend's feelings.

2. v. getting so drunk that you're willing to have sex with a large rotundous woman.

1. Jason: That fat bitch keeps trying to talk to me and ruining my game.
Adam: Let's get some juice in that ham so she'll leave us alone.


Anne: God, Judith is running all the hot guys off. Let's buy some shots.

Jessica: For real, bitch gets crazy on the dance floor. I just hope she keeps her clothes on this time.

Becca: God that was gross but worth it. Fuck it - let's juice that ham!

2. God damn I was so drunk last night that I put my baby juice in that ham.


I'm so drunk and desperate I'll even go for juicing a ham.

by crzymeanbtch February 8, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ham Clam

A term referring to a woman's butt and/or butthole.

Bro #1: Hey brah, can I talk to you for a second?
Bro #2: Yeah what's up broski?
Bro #1: I got super hammered last night and my girl made me stick it in her ham clam.
Bro #2: Wicked nice brah. Wicked nice.

by Zant June 17, 2008

23๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ham in the Trunk

Back door entry, doggie style

Steven: My fanny is sore 'cause of the ham in my trunk last night
William is sure uptight... Well yea its been a while since hes had a ham in the trunk!!

by Joepasaurus April 3, 2008

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž