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a stupid dumb thing that kids play with

lets play with the toys johny

by yoobro November 2, 2020


Some one who has been painting graffiti for 10 plus years an has progressed none. Toy.

Yo that kid straight toy been painting 12 years an still can't do a decent throw or peice

by Ghiua145 January 4, 2019


A: A piece of media that often children use for entertainment.
B: When one manipulates another.

Person A: My boy likes to play with toy's
Person B: I can give your boy even more toys
Person A: Stop trying to manipulate me, you suck at it.

by Halfless Goober Flesh September 19, 2019


A human being who’s only purpose is to be used. Mainly a term used in bdsm.

I have a toy tied up in my basement.

by Big breasts and stuff March 3, 2020


Abbreviation for “thinking of you”. Originally used by Mark Schlissel, University of Michigan’s former president, in his university email correspondence with a university employee, with whom he is involved in an inappropriate relationship.

“We’ll have to plan some trips for summer 2021. TOY. ”(Schlissel 2020)

by akdnfbfhdns January 16, 2022



former UM president's boomer way of saying "thinking of you"

you can give me a private briefing ;)

by UMbaddie January 16, 2022


A toy is a grown mans car or vehicle

I got my new toy parked right outside

by djdjbh March 9, 2016