A long transformation of a character that is underwhelming, usually in cartoons.
I watched a cartoon on the TV but changed the channel because of a fart transformation.
Somewhat like a Snuggle Fart except it doesn't have to be with a significant other, it could be with one of your kids.
I was cuddling with my daughter when I let out a cuddle fart (aka Air Biscuit).
the aftermath of having kfc. usually occurs 2-3 business days after.
symptoms include:
dizziness from the smell
gassing the whole house
loud juicy farts
person 1: zamn who had kfc last night?
person 2: me..
person 3: *is dead bc they got gassed*
person 2: *lets out a juicy kfc fart*
An inside joke. No stranger shall say the two words together.
To place a cup (styrofoam or solo) against your anus and fart into then hand to someone as though it’s a drink . Give the gift of sharing your farts with your friends and family l.
I like to fart cup my friends when they’re being assholes.
the answer dry as... is a Texas oilfield from the time of the boom in East Texas. although it didn't happen much at first wildcatters would find that their well did not come in "That well was a dry as a popcorn fart" from the land where they call cokes soda.
"That oilwell was as dry as a popcorn fart"