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New Year's Hopscotch

The footwork needed when walking home on New Year's Eve/early New Year's day to avoid the pools of vomit that have collected from over partying.

Brock: "Shit dude, look at all that vomit on the floor! Fuckin New Year's revellers, how we gona get past it??"

Butch: "Time for the New Year's Hopscotch dawg!"

by Black7Ninja January 1, 2012

new snowflake

People who cry SJW (social justice warrior) about everything that challenges their own point of view regarding race, culture, sexuality, and politics. The word "new" denotes that this is a fairly recent category of people who typically use the term "snowflake" to describe "triggered" and "overly sensitive" people, despite behaving this way themselves for fairly trivial issues.

After being corrected about how saying "Ni hao" (hello in Chinese) to a Korean woman is inappropriate because you should not assume someone's ethnicity before trying to talk to them in a different language, the new snowflake cried out in a fit of rage that "SJWS are so dumb!! I bet you guys cannot tell the difference between Polish and Germans!"

"Oh my god, you SJWs are never happy," said the new snowflake, enraged that anyone would dare to comment on how plus sized models do not depict normal figures, forgetting that all models generally have bodies that do not represent the average figure.

by BrownBearBrownBear April 20, 2019

New York

1. An American state that, believe it or not, consists primarily of country fields, mountains, and forests. New York City is not all of New York, it's like 0.01% The Finger Lakes are where you want to be.

2. The state name that appears under "I *heart*" on someone's shirt who's never been to New York in their life.

3. A state that is geographically ideal and full of parks and beauty, but politically a cesspool that drives lifelong residents out.

Ellie: "You coming to New York tomorrow?"
Adam: "You never mentioned anything about New York before. You going to Manhattan?"
Ellie: "Heck, no. The Finger Lakes Region. I'm going to see the Corning Museum of Glass."

by The Wild Weston March 3, 2022

New york

Shittiest state to live in. Smells like my dogs ass and trash bags just laying on the sides of the road. You don't have a license and have absolutely no idea how to drive? The New York streets welcome you! People are rude as fuck and shit is so overpriced. I paid 11 dollars for a latte and croissant at Starbucks when i pay 8 dollars in Florida. That was just Manhattan, Brooklyn is even worse. Guys there think consent is a myth and that every woman likes to be groped by a drunk, nasty smelling stranger. Rockefeller center has absolutely nothing to do and the state in general is so overhyped. The only people who like New York are New Yorkers who have never been outside their shitty state. Times square is probably the most overhyped land mark there. They put more effort in making an add for an ass cream look flashy than actually cleaning their streets. Only thing I liked there was a shirt i saw that said New York ❤️S me. Their two story cvs was pretty cool too.

Literally anyone else: “hey do you know where the nearest mcdo-”
New Yorker: “ fuck off you stupid overweight, built like the titanic pig. Instead of ordering a big mac why don't you order some bitches?”

by Wifebeater2000 June 3, 2022

new york

Just a large city on America's east coast. To the residents of New York, it is the center of the universe, the greatest city on earth, the only place people can become rich and "make it big" at, the city that has the absolute best Italian food in the world,period, the only place with "real" pizza, subs, and bagels. To new York residents, everywhere else in the world is not as good or exciting. To the rest of the world, new York is just a city mainly full of assholes who think that they are better than everyone else because Billy Joel named a song after them. When new York residents go on vacation, they are not very fun to be around because they will constantly badger you about how much better things are in new York.

After finishing meal a nice Italian restaurant not in new york while on vacation-
Guy not from new York(paying for the meal)- Wow, this was great. How'd you like your meal?
Guy from new york- Eh, ya know, back in New York they got this mad awesome deli that makes a way better meatball sub. But yeah, I guess this place is halfway decent, I mean, to be wasting your money at.
Guy not from new york- Oh yeah well your welcome for taking you here, you prick. Why don't you just go back to new york and tell all your new York friends how great new York is. New York, new York , new York, I just cant get eenough of it.

by Almostliamneeson January 3, 2015

New York

The world’s best state. But please. Don’t call NYC “The Big Apple”. I’m not a Mets fan. It’s cloudy a lot though. Go Yankees.

Duke: Here’s the Big Apple!

And he was brutally murdered.

Please, just say New York.

by suite pee October 27, 2021

New York

A state in the Northeastern US that borders Canadian provinces Ontario and Quebec as well as the states Vermont, Connecticut, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. Known for it's beautiful landmarks and tourist attractions such as Niagara Falls, Finger Lakes, Adirondacks and Catskills. And of course New York City.

There is more to New York than New York City.

by nightcode7 August 19, 2017