Timmy time is the perfect storm of means (money), motive (bored with been a grownup) and opportunity (weekend with no responsibilities or commitments) where a Timmy can take a cocktail of drugs and alcohol and float around the city catching up with old like minded friends
My girlfriend is at her parents for the weekend so I can have Timmy time
any time you want attention or cuteness
Nik stop being horny i want cute time
A period of time during which it is inadvisable to attempt to contact the male participating in ‘gamer time’ as he is masturbating. In short ‘gamer time’ is a euphemism for masturbation.
Male: *to the boys* imma turn my mic off for a bit for some gamer time
The boys: ok bro, in a bit
a LIE. When your drum major/band director decides to not be satisfied with the band's "final" run through.
Drum Major/Band Director: "All right band, One More Time!"
Band: "Oh god, not this again."
The time between when Gadd_Gaming says he is coming online and when he's actually online
Shaun: is anybody going to be online soon?
Gadd_Gaming: I'll be on after dinner
Shaun: It seems that Gadd Time has commenced